ÿþCREATE TABLE "tcapDataAccessTests" ( "id" INTEGER GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY (START WITH 0, INCREMENT BY 1) NOT NULL, "data" VARCHAR(32) COLLATE "UNI" NOT NULL, "superuser" CHAR(1) COLLATE "UNI", "procedure" CLOB COLLATE "UNI" NOT NULL, "verification" CLOB COLLATE "UNI" NOT NULL ) VERSION 1.00 READWRITE UNENCRYPTED INDEX PAGE SIZE 8192 BLOB BLOCK SIZE 1024 PUBLISH BLOCK SIZE 1024 PUBLISH COMPRESSION 0 MAX ROW BUFFER SIZE 32768 MAX INDEX BUFFER SIZE 65536 MAX BLOB BUFFER SIZE 32768 MAX PUBLISH BUFFER SIZE 32768; INSERT INTO "tcapDataAccessTests" VALUES (1, 'EU Local', 'N', 'roll through time period mode selections', 'regions and dates available should match data collection minimum date should adjust for rolling months and insure merge selected months is checked and disabled for rolling months insure sampling schedule data looks correct.'); INSERT INTO "tcapDataAccessTests" VALUES (2, 'EU Local', 'N', 'set average monthy patients, select 2012_12', 'insure projection not available warning displayed'); INSERT INTO "tcapDataAccessTests" VALUES (3, 'EU Local', 'N', 'set average monthly patients select 2013_01', 'insure projection not available warning does not display'); INSERT INTO "tcapDataAccessTests" VALUES (4, 'EU Local', 'N', 'select unweighted, select 2012_12, change to monthly projection', 'insure projection not available warning is displayed'); INSERT INTO "tcapDataAccessTests" VALUES (5, 'EU Local', 'Y', 'observe merge selected months when in sampled and rolling months', 'insure ''Tools'' menu only available to superusers for sampled, superuser enables deselect of merge months for regions set to disable it. monthly projection warning for data prior to 2013 still applies.'); INSERT INTO "tcapDataAccessTests" VALUES (6, 'any server', 'N', 'observe available regions on active user account edit region minDate, restart tcap', 'verify that any regions where the tcapUser record has a minDate that is not blank are displayed. This may include regions that do not have collected data. '); INSERT INTO "tcapDataAccessTests" VALUES (7, 'any server', 'N', 'disable user account on server and restart tcap', 'observer warning and tcap forces closed'); INSERT INTO "tcapDataAccessTests" VALUES (8, 'any server', 'N', 'observe date range for a selected region, change min and max dates in the user record, restart tcap', 'data date range limitations should apply.'); INSERT INTO "tcapDataAccessTests" VALUES (9, 'any server', 'N', 'check multiple region selections to insure date range is minimum set intersection. Example 1: US collected is 2000-2018_04 KO collected is 2001_10-2017_12 when US and KO is selected KO dates are shown Example 2: US collected is 2000-2018_04 but account limit is 2015 only KO collected is 2001_10-2017_12 when US and KO is selected US account limit dates are shown', 'verify controls limit to least allowable data'); INSERT INTO "tcapDataAccessTests" VALUES (10, 'offline server', 'N', 'set up a restricted diagnet (clientX is one, only use it on a local server, if used online he can be impacted by the testing.) Edit restrictedDiagnets for his account to add UK PROSTATE).', 'Insure that the main form indicates a restricted account. Insure that if JP is selected the diagnosis net filter limits to the restrictions (for clientX that is Myeloma and Prostate). Also insure that the diagnosis and cell type filters are disabled until a diagnet is selected to prevent restriction bypass. The main menu selection Recall Filters is also disabled to prevent restriction bypass. Select and deselect a diagnet to insure the diagnosis and cell filters enable and disable. Return to a US only selection and make sure that diag restictions are removed and filter recall is re-enabled. Select JP and UK and insure the most restrictive diagnet selection is shown (Prostate). Deselect UK and Myeloma and Prostate should again become available.'); N``