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Thread Why second form did not show ?
Sat, Apr 29 2017 1:07 PMPermanent Link



I tried to read the manual and only want to show two forms.
If all forms is auto create, then it stacks on top of each other.
If I move remove form from auto create, the second one never
I run the sample it works ok.  
Might be a super silly question here.

Attachments: Why.zip
Sat, Apr 29 2017 1:16 PMPermanent Link



Sorry, if you even put showmodal instead of show. It will never show.
Sat, Apr 29 2017 1:37 PMPermanent Link

Uli Becker

<< FormPop := TFormPop.Create(nil);

That won't work because you are freeing FormPop immediately. There is no
reason to do so.

Use this:

if not Assigned(FormPop) then
   FormPop := TFormPop.Create(Application);

That will make sure that only one instance of FormPop is created.


Sat, Apr 29 2017 2:11 PMPermanent Link



Thank you Uli,   

       Now it feels like all over Delphi again.

Uli Becker wrote:

<< FormPop := TFormPop.Create(nil);

That won't work because you are freeing FormPop immediately. There is no
reason to do so.

Use this:

if not Assigned(FormPop) then
   FormPop := TFormPop.Create(Application);

That will make sure that only one instance of FormPop is created.

Sat, Apr 29 2017 3:36 PMPermanent Link

Uli Becker

Addition: showmodal works different in EWB and Delphi. In EWB it does *not* wait until the modal form has been closed. It just disables all other forms.
