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Thread Some Questions About TGrid
Thu, Feb 1 2018 6:21 PMPermanent Link

Frederick Chin


With EWB 2.06b11, is it possible for TGrid to have:-

1.   Incremental searching - While in a column, I would like to position the cursor to the first row matching the typed characters

2.   Alternate row colours - How do I apply different colours to odd and even rows?

Sat, Feb 3 2018 9:51 PMPermanent Link



Frederick Chin wrote:

>With EWB 2.06b11, is it possible for TGrid to have:-
>1.   Incremental searching - While in a column, I would like to position the cursor to the first row matching the typed >characters

Yes, in the KeyUp (ie. after the key is processed) of the TEdit, scan the TDataSet for the first matching row.  

> 2.   Alternate row colours - How do I apply different colours to odd and even rows?

I think I documented TGrid background colours in my EWB book.  I use it in some projects but don't remember offhand.

Sun, Feb 4 2018 5:20 PMPermanent Link

Frederick Chin

erickengelke wrote:

Yes, in the KeyUp (ie. after the key is processed) of the TEdit, scan the TDataSet for the first matching row.  

I am not using a TEdit. It is purely the TGrid's cursor location.

I think I documented TGrid background colours in my EWB book.  I use it in some projects but don't remember offhand.

Why don't you create a component set based on your book and sell it rather than the book?

Sun, Feb 4 2018 9:07 PMPermanent Link


Team Elevate Team Elevate

On 2/1/2018 6:21 PM, Frederick Chin wrote:
> With EWB 2.06b11, is it possible for TGrid to have:-
> 1.   Incremental searching - While in a column, I would like to position the cursor to the first row matching the typed characters

Have not done it myself but should be relatively straightforward though
you have to build most of the logic yourself.

KeyPress event of the grid would give you the key user pressed - if you
want to support more than 1 character search then you would need to
buffer it (in a string for example).

As each key is pressed you can do a quick search of the grid data and
set current location to the row matching the typed info

> 2.   Alternate row colours - How do I apply different colours to odd and even rows?

Easiest is to use the OnCellUpdate event for the column (you do need to
set this event for each column but you can assign exact same procedure).

Something like this (though i suggest pick better colors Smile

procedure TForm1.GridColumnCellUpdate(Sender: TObject; ACell:TGridCell);
   //alternate columns based on the index
   if ACell.index mod  2 = 0 then
      ACell.Background.Fill.Color := clLightGreen
      ACell.Background.Fill.Color := clLightBlue;


Tue, Feb 6 2018 5:56 PMPermanent Link

Frederick Chin


Have not done it myself but should be relatively straightforward though
you have to build most of the logic yourself.

KeyPress event of the grid would give you the key user pressed - if you
want to support more than 1 character search then you would need to
buffer it (in a string for example).

As each key is pressed you can do a quick search of the grid data and
set current location to the row matching the typed info

Thanks. This will be a good start for me to work on.

Easiest is to use the OnCellUpdate event for the column (you do need to
set this event for each column but you can assign exact same procedure).

Something like this (though i suggest pick better colors Smile

procedure TForm1.GridColumnCellUpdate(Sender: TObject; ACell:TGridCell);
   //alternate columns based on the index
   if ACell.index mod  2 = 0 then
      ACell.Background.Fill.Color := clLightGreen
      ACell.Background.Fill.Color := clLightBlue;


I had to add a check for the InterfaceState of the cell to check if the cell is focused and a cell font colour so that the content could be seen as follows:-

procedure TForm1.GridColumnCellUpdate(Sender: TObject; ACell:TGridCell);
   //alternate columns based on the index
   if ACell.index mod  2 = 0 then begin
     if SameText(ACell.InterfaceState,BOTH_STATE_NAME) then begin
      ACell.Background.Fill.Color := clLightGreen;
      ACell.Font.Color:= clBlack;
     else begin
     if SameText(ACell.InterfaceState,BOTH_STATE_NAME) then begin
      ACell.Background.Fill.Color := clBlack;
      ACell.Font.Color:= clLightGreen;
   else begin
     if SameText(ACell.InterfaceState,BOTH_STATE_NAME) then begin
        ACell.Background.Fill.Color := clLightBlue;
     else begin
     if SameText(ACell.InterfaceState,BOTH_STATE_NAME) then begin
        ACell.Background.Fill.Color := clBlack;

I am not sure why I had to use BOTH_STATE_NAME (through experimentation) instead of FOCUSED_STATE_NAME as there doesn't seem to be documentation for the State Names.

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.
