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Thread weird problem with TGrids unbound
Tue, Apr 17 2018 12:08 PMPermanent Link



I think I found a bug.

I have an unbound grid with a bunch of rows and columns.

If I type edit something in the grid, the change doesn't get reflected until the user selects another grid cell.  Not even if the user presses return!

So using the demo below, change one cell, then press 'test for changes' and the change will not be found unless you edit a second cell.  

ITo get by for now, is there something I can call to finalize the unbound grid so I can read its cells accurately?

EWB Programming Books and Component Library

Attachments: fail.zip
Wed, Apr 18 2018 1:16 AMPermanent Link

Michael Dreher

erickengelke wrote:

  // ...Not even if the user presses return!
  // So using the demo below, change one cell, then press 'test for changes'
  // and the change will not be found unless you edit a second cell.  

Works fine here. I changed a single cell, pressed return to complete editing,
pressed the button, and got the change message.

Tested in the IDE 2.06B11, FF, Chrome.
Is it true you've installed multible Versions?
-  Elevate Web Builder 2
-  Elevate Web Builder 2 BETA
I would check the search paths.

Michael Dreher
Wed, Apr 18 2018 12:40 PMPermanent Link



Michael Dreher wrote:

erickengelke wrote:

  // ...Not even if the user presses return!
  // So using the demo below, change one cell, then press 'test for changes'
  // and the change will not be found unless you edit a second cell.  

//Works fine here. I changed a single cell, pressed return to complete editing,
//pressed the button, and got the change message.

Okay, if you don't press return, it doesn't take.  Users don't always press return.  I've tried the internal IE and firefox and both fail.

//Is it true you've installed multible Versions?
// -  Elevate Web Builder 2
// -  Elevate Web Builder 2 BETA
//I would check the search paths.

I thought that too, but there are no other subdirectories with beta versions on the hard disk.
EWB Programming Books and Component Library
Wed, Apr 18 2018 2:28 PMPermanent Link



erickengelke wrote:

Michael Dreher wrote:

erickengelke wrote:

>   // So using the demo below, change one cell, then press 'test for changes'
>   // and the change will not be found unless you edit a second cell.  

>//Works fine here. I changed a single cell, pressed return to complete editing,
>//pressed the button, and got the change message.

>Okay, if you don't press return, it doesn't take.  Users don't always press return.  I've tried the internal IE and
> firefox and both fail.

Note, editing does not require a return key otherwise.  Like if you query a TEdit, you get the real-time value.  But the grid's values do not change until a return registers it.

EWB Programming Books and Component Library
Wed, Apr 18 2018 2:35 PMPermanent Link



erickengelke wrote:

I can force the correct answer if I move the column (or probably row) that is active.
with the following code


before querying the data values.  This is what I will have to do for now.

EWB Programming Books and Component Library
Wed, Apr 18 2018 2:40 PMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< ITo get by for now, is there something I can call to finalize the unbound grid so I can read its cells accurately? >>

This method will do what you want:


It will ensure that the column control is hidden and that the current cell is updated.

Tim Young
Elevate Software
Wed, Apr 18 2018 3:53 PMPermanent Link



Tim Young [Elevate Software] wrote:

: Erick,

<< ITo get by for now, is there something I can call to finalize the unbound grid so I can read its cells accurately? >>

: This method will do what you want:

Perfect, thanks Tim.

EWB Programming Books and Component Library