Reported By: Joerg Philipp Reported On: 10/2/2002 For: Version 3.17 Build 1
# 1236Filter Performance with Large Buffers Set Decreases After a Transaction Commit I have a table, that is filtered on an indexed integer field (fully-optimized expression). When I start the application, setting/changing the filter is very fast. But after a transcation is executed, the filter becomes very slow. Within this transaction a record is appended, and a record in another table is modified. If I comment out starttransaction and commit, than the filter becomes as fast as before.
It looks like caching is disabled after the transaction. Every time I change the filter expression, all data are loaded from file server.
CommentsThe transaction commit was resetting the MaxTableDataBufferSize, etc. properties back to their low defaults.
ResolutionFixed Problem on 10/5/2002 in version 3.18 build 1