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Minor Minor
Reported By: Hendrik Grützmacher
Reported On: 12/4/2010
For: Version 2.04 Build 4
# 3355 Pasting Text with Embedded Tabs Causes Display Issues in SQL Editor of ElevateDB Manager

I mentioned this before that pasting in edbmgr makes problems. Now I have a reproduceable scenario:
Since it is not possible in the editor to insert tabs for several lines (mark lines and hit tab deletes them) I do prepare this in an external editor. When pasting back the sql (that now contains tabs) the statements are messed up, even in an empty editor.

Comments Comments
The ElevateDB Manager has now also been modified to allow for using the TAB and SHIFT-TAB keys, respectively, to indent and unindent a selected block of text.

Resolution Resolution
Fixed Problem on 12/6/2010 in version 2.05 build 1

Products Affected Products Affected
ElevateDB Additional Software and Utilities
