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Thread Var variables
Wed, May 9 2012 9:04 AMPermanent Link

Matthew Jones

It appears that this is not an acceptable parameter set:

    procedure DoVerify(xText : TEdit; var bGood : Boolean);

Is this likely to change? I'd like to be able to change the input variable. Or
perhaps there is a way to do it?

Not fatal, just nice.

/Matthew Jones/
Fri, May 11 2012 12:41 PMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< It appears that this is not an acceptable parameter set:

    procedure DoVerify(xText : TEdit; var bGood : Boolean);

Is this likely to change? I'd like to be able to change the input variable.
Or perhaps there is a way to do it?  >>

You currently have to wrap such variables in an object instance in order to
pass them by reference (as opposed to by value).  This is a limitation in
JavaScript that I wasn't able to overcome with a decent solution during the
compiler development.  I will probably revisit this, along with enumerated
types/sets, in a V2.

If you have any other questions, please let me know.

Tim Young
Elevate Software