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Thread Edbsrvr in Windows 2008 Server x64
Mon, May 10 2010 4:16 PMPermanent Link



I will deal with SysUtils.pas the next time I create or modifiy a new
external module.  Thanks for providing below for starters.  Right now, I am
busy with the server migration and updates from dbIsam to ElevateDB and also
discovering all the new goodies in ElevateDB.

George Patena

<< "Tim Young [Elevate Software]  wrote in message

Just in case you want to know the cause of the DEP issue, it is caused by
the way the locales are populated.   In SysUtils.pas:
constructor TLanguages.Create;
 TCallbackThunk = packed record
   POPEDX: Byte;
   MOVEAX: Byte;
   SelfPtr: Pointer;
   PUSHEAX: Byte;
   PUSHEDX: Byte;
   JMP: Byte;
   JmpOffset: Integer;
 Callback: TCallbackThunk;
 inherited Create;
 Callback.POPEDX := $5A;
 Callback.MOVEAX := $B8;
 Callback.SelfPtr := Self;
 Callback.PUSHEAX := $50;
 Callback.PUSHEDX := $52;
 Callback.JMP     := $E9;
 Callback.JmpOffset := Integer(@TLanguages.LocalesCallback) -
Integer(@Callback.JMP) - 5;
 EnumSystemLocales(TFNLocaleEnumProc(@Callback), LCID_SUPPORTED);

It's the way that they're doing the callback that DEP doesn't like because
they're treating code as data.

Unfortunately, to work around it you have to use your own locale population
code, etc.

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