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Thread Parse() function parses values from a delimited string
Thu, Jan 30 2014 12:23 PMPermanent Link


The Parse() function comes in handy when extracting values from a delimited string. It uses the PosExx() function that I had submitted yesterday.

The Parse() function accepts a string like 'abc,de,fghijk,kl', a delimiter like ',', and a starting position. It then extracts the values from the string one at a time.

Here is a simple script to show how it works.

 -- This is a test script for Parse() function
 -- This script will parse each of the delimited words from _Text variable
 -- and writes them to the message log
 Declare _Text    VarChar(100) Default 'abc,def,h,i,,jkl';
 Declare _WordNum Integer default 0;
 Declare _WordNdx Integer;
 Declare _WordStr VarChar(100);
 Set Log Message to 'Original Text='+_Text;
 set _WordNdx = 1;
   set _WordStr = Parse(_Text, ',', _WordNdx);
   set _WordNum = _WordNum + 1;
   Set Log Message to 'Word#'+Cast(_WordNum as VarChar(5))+'='+_WordStr;
 until _WordNdx = 0 END REPEAT;

The attached zip file has the Parse() and PosExx() functions in it. Just remember to install the PosExx() function before installing the Parse() function.

Have fun!


Attachments: ParseAndPosExx.Zip