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Thread Having problems with tutorial
Wed, Aug 19 2009 12:48 PMPermanent Link

I went through the EDB tutorial in Delphi 7 and it works fine in the IDE. I can open the
sample table and see the first record in the grid within the IDE.

I compiled it and ran it and as soon as it tried to open the form it gave me an exception
"Exception EEDBError in module Project1.exe at 00181905. ElevateDb Error #401 the Database
TutorialDb does not exist".

The EdbEngine1.ConfigPath is set to D:\Data\ElevateDb\Tutorial which is the same as the
EDBManager for this Tutorial database.
I can open the table fine in the IDE but when I run it I get the exception. This has me

Any ideas as to what's wrong?

Wed, Aug 19 2009 4:14 PMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< I went through the EDB tutorial in Delphi 7 and it works fine in the IDE.
I can open the sample table and see the first record in the grid within the

I compiled it and ran it and as soon as it tried to open the form it gave
me an exception "Exception EEDBError in module Project1.exe at 00181905.
ElevateDb Error #401 the Database TutorialDb does not exist".

The EdbEngine1.ConfigPath is set to D:\Data\ElevateDb\Tutorial which is the
same as the EDBManager for this Tutorial database. I can open the table fine
in the IDE but when I run it I get the exception. This has me stumped. >>

Can you post the .pas and .dfm file that you've created ?


Tim Young
Elevate Software

Wed, Aug 19 2009 4:44 PMPermanent Link

"Tim Young [Elevate Software]" wrote:

Can you post the .pas and .dfm file that you've created ?

   Ok. I'm not sure if you wanted me to attach them or just post them. So here is the
post. Strange thing is if I restart Delphi and re-open the project it will say database
does not exist (because I left the table Active in the form when I saved the project). But
if I use the Object Inspector and set the table active again, it opens the table just fine
in the grid without reporting an error. BTW, I'm using ElevateDb version 2 with XP Pro as


object Form1: TForm1
 Left = 483
 Top = 199
 Width = 608
 Height = 493
 Caption = 'Form1'
 Color = clBtnFace
 Font.Color = clWindowText
 Font.Height = -11
 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
 Font.Style = []
 OldCreateOrder = False
 PixelsPerInch = 96
 TextHeight = 13
 object DBGrid1: TDBGrid
   Left = 16
   Top = 120
   Width = 545
   Height = 297
   DataSource = DataSource1
   TabOrder = 0
   TitleFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
   TitleFont.Color = clWindowText
   TitleFont.Height = -11
   TitleFont.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
   TitleFont.Style = []
 object EDBTable1: TEDBTable
   Active = True
   DatabaseName = 'TutorialDb'
   SessionName = 'Tutorial'
   TableName = 'Customer'
   Left = 64
   Top = 32
 object EDBEngine1: TEDBEngine
   Active = True
   EngineType = etClient
   Signature = 'edb_signature'
   EncryptionPassword = 'elevatesoft'
   LicensedSessions = 4096
   ConfigPath = 'D:\Data\ElevateDb\Tutorial'
   ConfigName = 'EDBConfig'
   ConfigExtension = '.EDBCfg'
   LockExtension = '.EDBLck'
   LogExtension = '.EDBLog'
   MaxLogFileSize = 1048576
   LogCategories = [lcInformation, lcWarning, lcError]
   CatalogName = 'EDBDatabase'
   CatalogExtension = '.EDBCat'
   BackupExtension = '.EDBBkp'
   UpdateExtension = '.EDBUpd'
   TableExtension = '.EDBTbl'
   TableIndexExtension = '.EDBIdx'
   TableBlobExtension = '.EDBBlb'
   TablePublishExtension = '.EDBPbl'
   TempTablesPath = 'E:\WinTemp\'
   ServerName = 'EDBSrvr'
   ServerDescription = 'ElevateDB Server'
   ServerAuthorizedAddresses.Strings = (
   Left = 16
   Top = 32
 object EDBSession1: TEDBSession
   Connected = True
   LoginUser = 'Administrator'
   LoginPassword = 'EDBDefault'
   SessionName = 'Tutorial'
   LocalSignature = 'edb_signature'
   LocalEncryptionPassword = 'elevatesoft'
   LocalConfigPath = 'D:\Data\ElevateDb\Tutorial'
   LocalConfigName = 'EDBConfig'
   LocalConfigExtension = '.EDBCfg'
   LocalLockExtension = '.EDBLck'
   LocalLogExtension = '.EDBLog'
   LocalMaxLogFileSize = 1048576
   LocalLogCategories = [lcInformation, lcWarning, lcError]
   LocalCatalogName = 'EDBDatabase'
   LocalCatalogExtension = '.EDBCat'
   LocalBackupExtension = '.EDBBkp'
   LocalUpdateExtension = '.EDBUpd'
   LocalTableExtension = '.EDBTbl'
   LocalTableIndexExtension = '.EDBIdx'
   LocalTableBlobExtension = '.EDBBlb'
   LocalTablePublishExtension = '.EDBPbl'
   LocalTempTablesPath = 'E:\WinTemp\'
   RemoteSignature = 'edb_signature'
   RemoteEncryptionPassword = 'elevatesoft'
   RemoteAddress = ''
   Left = 16
   Top = 72
 object dbTutorial: TEDBDatabase
   Connected = True
   DatabaseName = 'TutorialDb'
   Database = 'Tutorial'
   SessionName = 'Tutorial'
   Left = 64
   Top = 72
 object DataSource1: TDataSource
   DataSet = EDBTable1
   Left = 112
   Top = 32

The form has no real code in it:

unit Unit1;


 Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
 Dialogs, DB, edbcomps, Grids, DBGrids;

 TForm1 = class(TForm)
   EDBTable1: TEDBTable;
   EDBEngine1: TEDBEngine;
   EDBSession1: TEDBSession;
   dbTutorial: TEDBDatabase;
   DataSource1: TDataSource;
   DBGrid1: TDBGrid;
   { Private declarations }
   { Public declarations }

 Form1: TForm1;


{$R *.dfm}

Fri, Aug 21 2009 11:18 AMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< Ok. I'm not sure if you wanted me to attach them or just post them. So
here is the post. Strange thing is if I restart Delphi and re-open the
project it will say database does not exist (because I left the table Active
in the form when I saved the project). But if I use the Object Inspector and
set the table active again, it opens the table just fine in the grid without
reporting an error. >>

You've got the TEDBTable first in the creation order, so it will be created
first before the session and database components are created.  That is what
is causing the error.  If you change the creation order (right-click,
Creation Order on the form or data module), that will fix that issue.

Tim Young
Elevate Software
