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Thread Solution needed...
Wed, Aug 26 2009 11:58 AMPermanent Link

Roy Lambert

NLH Associates

Team Elevate Team Elevate


>He's not transferring the session information directly, he's using a medium
>of exchange (registry, .ini) that allows to different sessions to read and
>use the same configuration information. The "read and use" part depends
>upon your application, but the EDB Manager is a good example of how to do it
>with an .ini file.

I was reading

<<1. A Mail-Client (appA) is running (local access to EDB).
2. Another application (appB) needs the account-data from the
mail-client in order to import them into his database.>>

to mean two different databases with different configs etc so two different sessions being accessed simultaneously. I was more interested in this than where he was getting the session info from.

Roy Lambert
Wed, Aug 26 2009 12:28 PMPermanent Link

Uli Becker

Here the code I am using to setup the second session:

procedure TOptionenForm.ImportAccount;
  MyReg := TRegistry.create;
    MyReg.openKey('Software\Becker\Easymail3', false);
    EasymailConfigPath := MyReg.ReadString('ConfigPath');
    EasymailSessionType := MyReg.ReadString('Sessiontype');
    MyReg.openKey('Software\Becker\Common', false);
    RemoteAddress := MyReg.ReadString('RemoteAddress');

  if (EasymailConfigPath = '') and (EasymailSessionType = '') then
    Application.MessageBox('Easymail3 scheint auf diesem Rechner nicht
installiert zu sein.', global.titel, 64);

  if EasymailSessionType = 'stRemote' then
    dm.EasymailSession.SessionType := stRemote;
    dm.EasymailSession.RemoteAddress := RemoteAddress;
  end else
    dm.EasymailSession.SessionType := stLocal;
    dm.EasymailSession.LocalConfigPath := EasymailConfigPath;

  ImportAccountForm := TImportAccountForm.create(self);
    if ImportAccountForm.showmodal = mrOK then
      with dm.ActionQuery do
        if prepared then
        sql.add('delete from Accounts where BenutzerID = :FID');
        ParamByName('FID').asInteger := CurrentBenutzer.ID;

In my datamodule I have set

MyEngine.UseLocalSessionEngineSettings := true

The "Main" Session also uses LocalConfigPath.

That's all.

Regards Uli
Thu, Aug 27 2009 12:02 PMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< to mean two different databases with different configs etc so two
different sessions being accessed simultaneously. I was more interested in
this than where he was getting the session info from. >>

Ah, he is using TEDBEngine.UseLocalSessionEngineSettings=True, just like the
EDB Manager.  It's what allows you to specify the configuration settings on
a per-session basis instead of a per-engine basis.

Tim Young
Elevate Software

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