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Thread ElevateDB Error #300 Cannot lock the database ConciergeDB for exclusive access
Fri, Jun 1 2012 8:40 AMPermanent Link

Adam Brett

Orixa Systems

>>OK strange, cause if I used the ElevateDB Server program as oppose to my
>>server program I can RESTORE from the ElevateDB Manager via the remote
>>session and it's nice as fast being it's only across a LAN.

Sorry Phil. The EDBMgr can be running anywhere when you call "RESTORE". i.e. you can restore a remote session. The thing you can't do is to restore a database using a backup file which is not stored on the same machine. i.e you have to copy the BKP file locally prior to calling RESTORE.

You can do anything to any DB you can connect to with EDBMgr (dependent of course on ROLEs & PERMISSIONs), regardless of whether you are remote or local, with the above exception.

>>All the problems refer to having active database / session components on
>>the server program when trying to ALTER or RESTORE from the EDB Manager
>>or my own client program, as soon as I diconnect the servers database /
>>session component I don't get the Error #300 so I guess the question is
>>should I be turning off the database / session components in the server
>>program when not in use?

Ah yes Phil. There are a whole range of things you can't do to a DB while someone else is actively using it. i.e. you can't ALTER a table while another user has it open. You can't RESTORE a DB ditto. These controls are obviously in place to ensure that data is treated safely. You can't have someone editing data in a table while it is restructured!!
Wed, Jun 20 2012 12:39 PMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< And get:

ElevateDB Error #300 Cannot lock the database TESTDB for exclusive access

Always make sure that you don't run a RESTORE when the active or selected
database in the EDB Manager is the same database that you're trying to
restore.  The same goes for Delphi code.  In general, always running the
RESTORE DATABASE statement from a session:

MySession.Execute('RESTORE DATABASE...');

is the best idea.  In the EDB Manager, just make sure that the selected node
in the tree view is the session node, and not a database node.  Both of
these methods make sure that the system Configuration database is the active
database, and not an actual database.

If you have any other questions, please let me know.

Tim Young
Elevate Software
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