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Thread Locate doesn't work as expected
Fri, Aug 16 2013 2:03 PMPermanent Link

Arno Garrels

I'm still porting from DBISAM to EDB, it's not as smooth as I had expected Frown
Why does Locate('Name', 'foo ', []) return true even though there's
just a record with Name = 'foo' (no trailing space)?


Sat, Aug 17 2013 8:19 AMPermanent Link

Roy Lambert

NLH Associates

Team Elevate Team Elevate


>Why does Locate('Name', 'foo ', []) return true even though there's
>just a record with Name = 'foo' (no trailing space)?

As a guess Name is defined as a VarChar not a Char. VarChars will store the trailing space but will not take it into account when searching. At least in SQL can't remember about navigational stuff but since you have the "problem" I assume it ignores it there as well.

The behaviour was (I sort of remember) a compromise after people (mainly me) complained about storing trailing spaces. There is another unfortunate effect table.FieldByName('Name').AsString = 'foo ' will return false.

If my guess is right and you want trailing spaces  try changing the column type to Char. Then you'll need to match the contents exactly with all the right padding (or at least I assume so - I don't use Char).

Alternatively if you want the same behaviour as DBISAM check out the extensions ng for the table & query components I wrote to handle it.

Roy Lambert [Team Elevate]
Sat, Aug 17 2013 3:29 PMPermanent Link

Arno Garrels


Thank you for your reply.

> As a guess Name is defined as a VarChar not a Char.

Correct, however doesn't matter, same behaviour with both Char and VarChar fields.

> VarChars will store the trailing space but will not take it into account when searching.

What a mess is this string handling, my small brain doesn't get it? IMO a space is a character as any other character as well. So when I search for "foo " (with trailing space) in a VarChar field that should not be the same as a search for "foo" (without trailing space), correct?

> At least in SQL can't remember about navigational stuff but since you have the "problem"
> I assume it ignores it  here as well.

It's a pity FrownAs it is that there's no option that truncates string-values automatically to field's size in order to avoid Exceptions when you assign a string to a string-field longer than field's size.

> There is another unfortunate effect table.FieldByName('Name').AsString = 'foo ' will return false.

Indeed, what a mess:
 if Dataset.Locate('Name', 'foo ', []) then
   if not (Dataset.FieldByName('Name').AsString = 'foo ') then
     raise Exception.Create('What a punk');

> Alternatively if you want the same behaviour as DBISAM

That's all I want, with one additional feature, namely Unicode support.

> check out the extensions ng
> for the table & query components I wrote to handle it.

Can you provide a link to that post?

Sun, Aug 18 2013 3:22 AMPermanent Link

Roy Lambert

NLH Associates

Team Elevate Team Elevate


>What a mess is this string handling, my small brain doesn't get it? IMO a space is a character as any other character as well. So when I search for "foo " (with trailing space) in a VarChar field that should not be the same as a search for "foo" (without trailing space), correct?

I actually disagree totally with trailing spaces being stored. It is madness to do that, unless you also intend to have all onscreen displays or printouts  to indicate there is a trailing space

>It's a pity FrownAs it is that there's no option that truncates string-values automatically to field's size in order to avoid Exceptions when you assign a string to a string-field longer than field's size.

Nope, but my table and wuery extensions do Smiley

>> check out the extensions ng
>> for the table & query components I wrote to handle it.
>Can you provide a link to that post?

Not without looking, so I'll let you do that <vbg>

Roy Lambert [Team Elevate]
Sun, Aug 18 2013 7:33 AMPermanent Link

Michael Riley



Arno Garrels wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm still porting from DBISAM to EDB, it's not as smooth as I had
> expected FrownWhy does Locate('Name', 'foo ', []) return true even
> though there's just a record with Name = 'foo' (no trailing space)?
> Regards


I got similar results within the ElevateDB Manager. I migrated Delphi's
DBDemos database into ElevateDB Manager. I ran a few queries against
the customer table and got some interesting results.

SELECT Company FROM customer
WHERE Company LIKE '%club'

Returned no results


I changed the coallation of the "Company" column to be case insensitive
and reran the query.

ALTER TABLE "customer"

SELECT Company FROM customer
WHERE Company LIKE '%club'

VIP Divers Club
Marmot Divers Club
Makai SCUBA Club
Action Club
Blue Sports Club
Catamaran Dive Club

This is what I expected to see.

SELECT Company FROM customer
WHERE Company LIKE '%club '

VIP Divers Club
Marmot Divers Club
Makai SCUBA Club
Action Club
Blue Sports Club
Catamaran Dive Club

This is not what I expected to see. I expected to get zero results
because of the trailing space used in the LIKE clause.

SELECT Company FROM customer
WHERE Company LIKE '%club_'

Marmot Divers Club
Makai SCUBA Club

I replaced the trailing [Space] with the wildcard character and got the
above results. Now, I'm thinking that there is some sort of trailing
character at the end of these two records. So I modified the query one
more time.

SELECT '|' + Company + '|' From customer
WHERE Company LIKE '%club_'

|Marmot Divers Club|
|Makai SCUBA Club|

When I changed to output to bracket the Company field with '|'
characters there was no visible trailing character on either of these
results. Interesting...  perhaps Tim can shed some light on this one.

Michael Riley
GySgt USMC (Ret)
Sun, Aug 18 2013 2:33 PMPermanent Link

Arno Garrels


> I actually disagree totally with trailing spaces being stored. It is madness to do that, unless you also intend to have all onscreen displays or printouts  to indicate there is a trailing space.

IMO that was possible in DBISAM and that never made a problem.
Anyway my question is not about store trailing spaces but unexpected search results

>It's a pity FrownAs it is that there's no option that truncates string-values automatically to field's size in order to avoid Exceptions when you assign a string to a string-field longer than field's size.

> Nope, but my table and wuery extensions do Smiley

I only found several versions of a nlhTable.pas that cannot prevent the truncation exception.
So I gave it myself a trial today though I do not have the source of EDB at home.


{                                                                                                  }
{ The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"); }
{ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the    }
{ License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/                                                           }
{                                                                                                  }
{ Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF   }
{ ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights  }
{ and limitations under the License.                                                               }
{                                                                                                  }
{ The helper functions for patching are Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Andreas Hausladen.                 }
{ All Rights Reserved.                                                                             }
{                                                                                                  }
{ Portions created by Arno Garrels are Copyright (C) 2013 Arno Garrels.                            }
{ All Rights Reserved.                                                                             }
{                                                                                                  }


unit PatchPack;


 PatchPackVersion = '1.0';
 PatchPackDate = '2013/18/08';  // yyyy/dd/mm

  Add the unit to the .dpr file's uses-list.
  C++Builder user can add the file to the project (Menu Project/Add to project)

    FastMM4, // optional memory manager
    Unit1 in 'Unit1.pas';

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- }

{$Define NoEDBTruncationErrors}


 Windows, SysUtils, DB;

{ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
{ Helper functions, shared }

 THackWideStringField = class(TWidestringField);
 THackStringField     = class(TStringField);

 TJumpOfs = Integer;
 PPointer = ^Pointer;

 PXRedirCode = ^TXRedirCode;
 TXRedirCode = packed record
   Jump: Byte;
   Offset: TJumpOfs;

 PWin9xDebugThunk = ^TWin9xDebugThunk;
 TWin9xDebugThunk = packed record
   PUSH: Byte;
   Addr: Pointer;
   JMP: TXRedirCode;

 PAbsoluteIndirectJmp = ^TAbsoluteIndirectJmp;
 TAbsoluteIndirectJmp = packed record
   OpCode: Word;   //$FF25(Jmp, FF /4)
   Addr: PPointer;

{ Hooking }

function GetActualAddr(Proc: Pointer): Pointer;

 function IsWin9xDebugThunk(AAddr: Pointer): Boolean;
   Result := (AAddr <> nil) and
             (PWin9xDebugThunk(AAddr).PUSH = $68) and
             (PWin9xDebugThunk(AAddr).JMP.Jump = $E9);

 if Proc <> nil then
   if (Win32Platform <> VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) and IsWin9xDebugThunk(Proc) then
     Proc := PWin9xDebugThunk(Proc).Addr;
   if (PAbsoluteIndirectJmp(Proc).OpCode = $25FF) then
     Result := PAbsoluteIndirectJmp(Proc).Addr^
     Result := Proc;
   Result := nil;

procedure HookProc(Proc, Dest: Pointer; var BackupCode: TXRedirCode);
 n: NativeUInt;
 Code: TXRedirCode;
 Proc := GetActualAddr(Proc);
 Assert(Proc <> nil);
 if ReadProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess, Proc, @BackupCode, SizeOf(BackupCode), n) then
   Code.Jump := $E9;
   Code.Offset := PAnsiChar(Dest) - PAnsiChar(Proc) - SizeOf(Code);
   WriteProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess, Proc, @Code, SizeOf(Code), n);

procedure UnhookProc(Proc: Pointer; var BackupCode: TXRedirCode);
 n: NativeUInt;
 if (BackupCode.Jump <> 0) and (Proc <> nil) then
   Proc := GetActualAddr(Proc);
   Assert(Proc <> nil);
   WriteProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess, Proc, @BackupCode, SizeOf(BackupCode), n);
   BackupCode.Jump := 0;

procedure ReplaceVmtField(AClass: TClass; OldProc, NewProc: Pointer);
 PVmt = ^TVmt;
 TVmt = array[0..MaxInt div SizeOf(Pointer) - 1] of Pointer;
 I: Integer;
 Vmt: PVmt;
 n: NativeUInt;
 P: Pointer;
 OldProc := GetActualAddr(OldProc);
 NewProc := GetActualAddr(NewProc);

 I := vmtSelfPtr div SizeOf(Pointer);
 Vmt := Pointer(AClass);
 while (I < 0) or (Vmt[I] <> nil) do
   P := Vmt[I];
   if (P <> OldProc) and (Integer(P) > $10000) and not IsBadReadPtr(P, 6) then
     P := GetActualAddr(P);
   if P = OldProc then
     WriteProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess, @Vmt[I], @NewProc, SizeOf(NewProc), n);

function GetDynamicMethod(AClass: TClass; Index: Integer): Pointer;
 call System.@FindDynaClass

procedure DebugLog(const S: string);
 OutputDebugString(PChar('PatchPack installed: ' + S));
{ End of helper functions }

{ **************************************************************************** }

{$IFDEF NoEDBTruncationErrors}
 BackupSetAsString, BackupSetAsWideString, BackupSetAsAnsiString: TXRedirCode;

 TWideStringFieldFix = class(TWideStringField)
   procedure SetAsString(const Value: string); override;
   procedure SetAsWideString(const Value: UnicodeString); override;

(* Not implemented yet *
 TStringFieldFix = class(TStringField)
   procedure SetAsAnsiString(const Value: AnsiString); override;

procedure TStringFieldFix.SetAsAnsiString(const Value: AnsiString);
 Len: Integer;
 PBuf: PAnsiChar;
 Temp: AnsiString;
 Buffer: array[0..dsMaxStringSize] of AnsiChar;
 if DataSize > SizeOf(Buffer) then
   SetLength(Temp, strlen(PAnsiChar(Value))+1);
   PBuf := PAnsiChar(Temp);
   Len := StrLen(PAnsiChar(Value));
 end else
   PBuf := Buffer;
   Len := Self.Size;
 StrLCopy(PBuf, PAnsiChar(Value), Len);
 if Transliterate then
   DataSet.Translate(PBuf, PBuf, True);

procedure TWideStringFieldFix.SetAsString(const Value: string);
 Val: string;
 if Length(Value) > Self.Size then
   Val := Copy(Value, 1, Size)
   Val := Value;
 SetData(PChar(Val), False);

procedure TWideStringFieldFix.SetAsWideString(const Value: UnicodeString);
 Val: string;
 if Length(Value) > Self.Size then
   Val := Copy(Value, 1, Size)
   Val := Value;
 SetData(PChar(Val), False);

procedure InitEDBTruncationErrorFix;
 HookProc(@THackWideStringField.SetAsString, @TWideStringFieldFix.SetAsString, BackupSetAsString);
 HookProc(@THackWideStringField.SetAsWideString, @TWideStringFieldFix.SetAsWideString, BackupSetAsWideString);
 // HookProc(@THackStringField.SetAsAnsiString, @TStringFieldFix.SetAsAnsiString, BackupSetAsAnsiString);

procedure FiniEDBTruncationErrorFix;
 UnhookProc(@THackWideStringField.SetAsString, BackupSetAsString);
 UnhookProc(@THackWideStringField.SetAsWideString, BackupSetAsWideString);
 // UnhookProc(@THackStringField.SetAsAnsiString, BackupSetAsAnsiString);
{$ENDIF NoEDBTruncationErrors}

{ **************************************************************************** }

{$IFDEF NoEDBTruncationErrors}
{$ENDIF NoEDBTruncationErrors}

 // In revers order
{$IFDEF NoEDBTruncationErrors}
{$ENDIF NoEDBTruncationErrors}

Mon, Aug 19 2013 3:58 AMPermanent Link

Roy Lambert

NLH Associates

Team Elevate Team Elevate


Thanks for letting me know that.

I'll have to check the version I'm using at present with what's on the ng. If its different I'll upload the latest version for those who, like myself, don't have the source to ElevateDB.

Roy Lambert
Mon, Aug 19 2013 4:24 AMPermanent Link

Roy Lambert

NLH Associates

Team Elevate Team Elevate


My table component still nicely truncates, but the query component doesn't. Its a while since I wrote it, and I think I would have tested it out but obviously I haven't encountered a field overflow for a while so didn't realise it no longer worked.

My guess is Tim has changed something along the way so the events I was hooking into no longer apply.I'll have to work on it Frown

Roy Lambert
Mon, Aug 19 2013 11:46 AMPermanent Link

Roy Lambert

NLH Associates

Team Elevate Team Elevate


I've talked to Tim about it and my modified query component works if you're editing a sensitive result set but not for UPDATE statements. They're carried out in the bowels of the engine. Either I didn't test properly or I forgot.

Roy Lambert
Mon, Aug 19 2013 2:37 PMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< When I changed to output to bracket the Company field with '|' characters
there was no visible trailing character on either of these results.
Interesting...  perhaps Tim can shed some light on this one. >>

It's a bug with LIKE.  I'll have a fix in the next build.


Tim Young
Elevate Software
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