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Thread Reverse Engineering.
Wed, Dec 23 2015 5:45 AMPermanent Link

Roy Lambert

NLH Associates

Team Elevate Team Elevate


>Thanks Matthew, that's a good idea. I did something similar with DBISAM. I had an app called DBAnalyser which analysed the differences between two databases and wrote it to an INI file. The INI file was then distributed with an application along with another app called DBUpdate. When run, DBUpdate would load the INI file and compare the data structure with the database about to be updated. It would then make the required changes if needed. It could also create a database from scratch for new installations.
>It's fine for table structures but doesn't really help with changes to stored procedures and functions. My new app is client/server only and it makes extensive use of stored procedures (over 400).

Actually it does. All the junk is stored in the catalog you just have to extract it. Tim built in this wonderful column "CreateSQL" - grab that for your new database design eg

SELECT Name, CreateSQL, DropSQL FROM Information.Functions

store it in that ini file and in your upgrade routine loop round the list dropping & creating. If you want to get clever you can test that the new CreateSQL is the same as the old CreateSQL and if so skip to the next one.

I did something similar to allow me to move the functions from my disk database to my memory one - its in the extensions ng under C;loning functions from disk to memory.

Roy Lambert
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