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Thread Upload file to store
Sun, Oct 18 2020 5:19 PMPermanent Link

Marcello Bachechi

Hello, I have to need to implement a way to export backups and share them with support for my end users.

How do you export/import from a store programmatically from files that are not already in the store?

Thank you
Mon, Oct 19 2020 3:19 AMPermanent Link

Roy Lambert

NLH Associates

Team Elevate Team Elevate


You can either move them into the store programmatically (say via ShellAPI and file commands) or by the users moving them with Windows Explorer, or create a store where the files are, import/export them and then remove the store eg

procedure TRestoreForm.RestoreClick(Sender: TObject);
fNam: string;
Restore.Visible := False;
GetBackup.Filter := 'Backups|*' + dm.TfRSession.LocalBackupExtension;
GetBackup.FileName := dm.DB.Database + '*' + dm.TfRSession.LocalBackupExtension;
GetBackup.InitialDir := GetCfgPath(cfg_BackupPath);
if GetBackup.Execute then begin
 fNam := ExtractFileName(GetBackup.FileName);
 fNam := Copy(fNam, 1, LastDelimiter('.', fNam) - 1);
 if nlhQuestion('Are you certain you want to restore the data from ' + fNam + ' and overwrite the existing database?')then begin
   dm.TfRSession.Execute('DROP STORE "buTfR" KEEP CONTENTS');
  dm.TfRSession.Execute('CREATE STORE "buTfR" AS LOCAL PATH ' + QuotedStr(ExtractFilePath(GetBackup.FileName)));
  Progress.Visible := True;
  DoRestore.SQL.Text := 'RESTORE DATABASE ' + dm.DB.Database + ' FROM "' + fNam + '" IN STORE "buTfR" INCLUDE CATALOG';
  Progress.Visible := True;
  dm.TfRSession.Execute('DROP STORE "buTfR" KEEP CONTENTS');

procedure TBackupForm.ActionBackupClick(Sender: TObject);
buName: string;
Unique: string;
Cntr: integer;
buCmnd: string;
TblList: string;
ActionBackup.Visible := False;
SelectNone.Visible := False;
SelectAll.Visible := False;
SelectQuick.Visible := False;
if buLocation.Text <> '' then begin
 if ForceDirectories(buLocation.Text) then begin
   dm.TfRSession.Execute('DROP STORE "buTfR" KEEP CONTENTS');
  dm.TfRSession.Execute('CREATE STORE "buTfR" AS LOCAL PATH ' + QuotedStr(buLocation.Text));
  buName := dm.DB.Database + ' (' + dm.TfREngine.DateToSQLStr(Now) + ')';
  Unique := '';
  Cntr := 64;
  while FileExists(IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(buLocation.Text) + buName + Unique + dm.TfRSession.LocalBackupExtension) do begin
   Unique := Chr(Cntr);
  buName := buName + Unique;
  buCmnd := 'BACKUP DATABASE ' + dm.DB.Database + ' AS "' + buName + '" TO STORE "buTfR" TABLES ';
  TblList := '';
  for Cntr := 0 to Tables.Items.Count - 1 do begin
   if Tables.Checked[Cntr] then TblList := TblList + Tables.Items[Cntr] + ', ';
  Delete(TblList, Length(TblList) - 1, 2);
  buCmnd := buCmnd + TblList;
  buCmnd := buCmnd + ' INCLUDE CATALOG';
  DoBackup.SQL.Text := buCmnd;
  Progress.Visible := True;
  dm.TfRSession.Execute('DROP STORE "buTfR" KEEP CONTENTS');
 end else nlhMessageDlg('Directory does not exist and unable to create it.', ntError);
end else nlhMessageDlg('No backup location identified', ntError);

Roy Lambert
Mon, Oct 19 2020 2:13 PMPermanent Link

Marcello Bachechi

Roy, thank you for your response. Is there a way to accomplish this without creating a new store?

Roy Lambert wrote:


You can either move them into the store programmatically (say via ShellAPI and file commands) or by the users moving them with Windows Explorer, or create a store where the files are, import/export them and then remove the store eg

procedure TRestoreForm.RestoreClick(Sender: TObject);
fNam: string;
Restore.Visible := False;
GetBackup.Filter := 'Backups|*' + dm.TfRSession.LocalBackupExtension;
GetBackup.FileName := dm.DB.Database + '*' + dm.TfRSession.LocalBackupExtension;
GetBackup.InitialDir := GetCfgPath(cfg_BackupPath);
if GetBackup.Execute then begin
 fNam := ExtractFileName(GetBackup.FileName);
 fNam := Copy(fNam, 1, LastDelimiter('.', fNam) - 1);
 if nlhQuestion('Are you certain you want to restore the data from ' + fNam + ' and overwrite the existing database?')then begin
   dm.TfRSession.Execute('DROP STORE "buTfR" KEEP CONTENTS');
  dm.TfRSession.Execute('CREATE STORE "buTfR" AS LOCAL PATH ' + QuotedStr(ExtractFilePath(GetBackup.FileName)));
  Progress.Visible := True;
  DoRestore.SQL.Text := 'RESTORE DATABASE ' + dm.DB.Database + ' FROM "' + fNam + '" IN STORE "buTfR" INCLUDE CATALOG';
  Progress.Visible := True;
  dm.TfRSession.Execute('DROP STORE "buTfR" KEEP CONTENTS');

procedure TBackupForm.ActionBackupClick(Sender: TObject);
buName: string;
Unique: string;
Cntr: integer;
buCmnd: string;
TblList: string;
ActionBackup.Visible := False;
SelectNone.Visible := False;
SelectAll.Visible := False;
SelectQuick.Visible := False;
if buLocation.Text <> '' then begin
 if ForceDirectories(buLocation.Text) then begin
   dm.TfRSession.Execute('DROP STORE "buTfR" KEEP CONTENTS');
  dm.TfRSession.Execute('CREATE STORE "buTfR" AS LOCAL PATH ' + QuotedStr(buLocation.Text));
  buName := dm.DB.Database + ' (' + dm.TfREngine.DateToSQLStr(Now) + ')';
  Unique := '';
  Cntr := 64;
  while FileExists(IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(buLocation.Text) + buName + Unique + dm.TfRSession.LocalBackupExtension) do begin
   Unique := Chr(Cntr);
  buName := buName + Unique;
  buCmnd := 'BACKUP DATABASE ' + dm.DB.Database + ' AS "' + buName + '" TO STORE "buTfR" TABLES ';
  TblList := '';
  for Cntr := 0 to Tables.Items.Count - 1 do begin
   if Tables.Checked[Cntr] then TblList := TblList + Tables.Items[Cntr] + ', ';
  Delete(TblList, Length(TblList) - 1, 2);
  buCmnd := buCmnd + TblList;
  buCmnd := buCmnd + ' INCLUDE CATALOG';
  DoBackup.SQL.Text := buCmnd;
  Progress.Visible := True;
  dm.TfRSession.Execute('DROP STORE "buTfR" KEEP CONTENTS');
 end else nlhMessageDlg('Directory does not exist and unable to create it.', ntError);
end else nlhMessageDlg('No backup location identified', ntError);

Roy Lambert
Tue, Oct 20 2020 7:46 AMPermanent Link

Roy Lambert

NLH Associates

Team Elevate Team Elevate


<<Is there a way to accomplish this without creating a new store?>>

Not that I know of using ElevateDB functions since ElevateDB requires a store to process import / export.  The only way to avoid a store would be to write your own routines in Delphi, but since a store just points to a directory I dion't see a problem.

Roy Lambert