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Thread Save an image to a Blob field.
Mon, Jul 19 2021 2:33 AMPermanent Link

Ian Branch


Hi Team,
D10.4.2, latest EDB.
I have the following code..
   pImage := TBitMap.Create;
   dmPV.PVSignatures.Appendrecord([iPVNo, iPONo, Trim(DBEdit3.Text), pImage, now]);
The fourth field in the append is a Blob field called Signatures.
This works fine.
I now need to be able to save the pImage direct to the Signatures field.
   pImage := TBitMap.Create;
   dmPV.PVSignatures.FieldByName('Signatures').AsXxxxxx := pImage;
Now, there is no .AsBlob option nor does .AsVariant work.
How can I get this to work please?

Regards & TIA,
Mon, Jul 19 2021 7:11 AMPermanent Link

Roy Lambert

NLH Associates

Team Elevate Team Elevate


Its a while (like DBISAM ago)  since I did this an back then you just did .AsString. The modern approach is to create a memory stream (preferably TEDBBlobStream) , load the image into there, assign it to the field in question and then dispose of the memory stream.

Here's an example posted by Uli ages ago

    AttachmentStream := TEDBBlobStream.Create(dm.FilesTableBinary, bmread);
      FileStream := TFileStream.Create(FullTempPath, fmCreate);
        FileStream.CopyFrom(AttachmentStream, 0);

Its also worth having a look in the manual under TEDBBlobStream.

Finally, if you're using my subclassed table adding a BLOB updater would be fairly easy.

Roy Lambert
Mon, Jul 19 2021 3:54 PMPermanent Link

Ian Branch


Thanks Roy,
>>Finally, if you're using my subclassed table adding a BLOB updater would be fairly easy

Ummm. Fancy a challenge for TnlhTable & TnlhQuery? Wink

Wed, Aug 4 2021 7:51 AMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< I now need to be able to save the pImage direct to the Signatures field.>>

You should be able to use this:


Any class that implements the IStreamPersist interface can be assigned to a BLOB field (TBlobField), and that includes all TGraphic descendant classes like TBitmap.

Tim Young
Elevate Software