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Thread Sanity check....
Mon, Jun 12 2023 3:24 PMPermanent Link

Ian Branch


Hi Team,
Does anybody see any issue with this construct??
     while true do
       if TEDBEngineSessionManager(dmDB.DBS1.Handle).TryLock(1) then
         { Session is not locked and is safe for you to use }
           // Delay for the specified amount of time
         // Delay for the specified amount of time
     on E: Exception do ShowMessage('An unknown or unexpected error has occurred.');

I think the initali try-except-end is redundant.
Anything else?

Regards & TIA,
Tue, Jun 13 2023 2:29 AMPermanent Link

Roy Lambert

NLH Associates

Team Elevate Team Elevate


Personal view

If you mean

<<        if TEDBEngineSessionManager(dmDB.DBS1.Handle).TryLock(1) then
         { Session is not locked and is safe for you to use }>>

then yes - if it fails here it will also fail when you try and run the script

I'd also suggest

<<           tqServerSessions.Close;



or if you need an OUT parameter later on that you release it at some point elsewhere and I just hate

     while true do

use a variable and set as needed and allow the loop to terminate gracefully

Roy Lambert