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Thread Application "Freeze"
Tue, Nov 20 2007 8:10 PMPermanent Link

Andrew Lyric

I seem to be having a problem with 1.06 Build 1.  When starting my application it
sometimes locks for several minutes and then returns an error:  "ElevateDB Error #300
Cannot lock table Transactions for read access."  I am using the precompiled server.  I
have also received this same error in the DB Manager.  I'm using Delphi 7 on Win XP SP2.
I'm not sure what to check for this, but here are some error reports, if they help:

I'm using madExcept and I get a "Application seems to be frozen" first:

date/time         : 2007-11-20, 16:38:52, 890ms
computer name     : DREW2003
user name         : Andrew <admin>
registered owner  : Andrew
operating system  : Windows XP Service Pack 2 build 2600
system language   : English
system up time    : 4 hours 33 minutes
program up time   : 1 minute 20 seconds
processor         : AMD Athlon(tm) XP 2800+
physical memory   : 357/1535 MB (free/total)
free disk space   : (CSmile2.23 GB
display mode      : 1280x1024, 32 bit
process id        : $724
allocated memory  : 25.50 MB
exec. date/time   : 2007-11-20 16:37
version           :
madExcept version : 3.0c
callstack crc     : $bb2ac731, $622e0728, $622e0728
count             : 2
exception number  : 2
exception message : The application seems to be frozen.

main thread ($594):
7c90eb94 ntdll.dll                        KiFastSystemCallRet
7c90e9be ntdll.dll                        NtWaitForSingleObject
71ab2e64 WS2_32.dll                       select
71aa150a WS2HELP.dll                      WahReferenceContextByHandle
71ab2e64 WS2_32.dll                       select
008548fa JARecon.exe edbsocket            TEDBSocketWrapper.WaitForData
0085679d JARecon.exe edbcommsmgr          TEDBCommsManager.Receive
008a350c JARecon.exe edbremote            TEDBRemoteSessionManager.Receive
008a37b4 JARecon.exe edbremote            TEDBRemoteSessionManager.SendReceive
008a1f78 JARecon.exe edbremote            TEDBRemoteDatabaseManager.PrepareStatement
008b7a32 JARecon.exe edbcomps    9299  +2 TEDBQuery.PrepareSQL
008b7373 JARecon.exe edbcomps    9098  +7 TEDBQuery.SetPrepared
008b752c JARecon.exe edbcomps    9166  +3 TEDBQuery.CreateCursor
008b75ba JARecon.exe edbcomps    9183  +4 TEDBQuery.CreateHandle
008b0a9d JARecon.exe edbcomps    5731  +1 TEDBDataSet.OpenCursor
008b3cbe JARecon.exe edbcomps    7368  +2 TEDBDBDataSet.OpenCursor
007900e9 JARecon.exe DB                   TDataSet.SetActive
0078ff34 JARecon.exe DB                   TDataSet.Open
00b4d81a JARecon.exe uJAMain      411 +11 TForm1.aeEventsIdle
007d4fb9 JARecon.exe AppEvnts             TCustomApplicationEvents.DoIdle
007d5772 JARecon.exe AppEvnts             TMultiCaster.DoIdle
004d9505 JARecon.exe Forms                TApplication.Idle
004d8af3 JARecon.exe Forms                TApplication.HandleMessage
004d8d16 JARecon.exe Forms                TApplication.Run
00b4f08b JARecon.exe JARecon       31  +5 initialization

The after 2 and half minutes, the error message:

date/time         : 2007-11-20, 16:39:56, 437ms
computer name     : DREW2003
user name         : Andrew <admin>
registered owner  : Andrew
operating system  : Windows XP Service Pack 2 build 2600
system language   : English
system up time    : 4 hours 34 minutes
program up time   : 2 minutes 24 seconds
processor         : AMD Athlon(tm) XP 2800+
physical memory   : 357/1535 MB (free/total)
free disk space   : (CSmile2.23 GB
display mode      : 1280x1024, 32 bit
process id        : $724
allocated memory  : 25.52 MB
exec. date/time   : 2007-11-20 16:37
version           :
madExcept version : 3.0c
contact name      : Andrew
callstack crc     : $8477273d, $5a50fd6d, $5a50fd6d
exception number  : 3
exception class   : EEDBError
exception message : ElevateDB Error #300 Cannot lock table Transactions for read access.

main thread ($594):
008b7ba8 JARecon.exe edbcomps 9326 +29 TEDBQuery.PrepareSQL
008b7373 JARecon.exe edbcomps 9098  +7 TEDBQuery.SetPrepared
008b752c JARecon.exe edbcomps 9166  +3 TEDBQuery.CreateCursor
008b75ba JARecon.exe edbcomps 9183  +4 TEDBQuery.CreateHandle
008b0a9d JARecon.exe edbcomps 5731  +1 TEDBDataSet.OpenCursor
008b3cbe JARecon.exe edbcomps 7368  +2 TEDBDBDataSet.OpenCursor
007900e9 JARecon.exe DB                TDataSet.SetActive
0078ff34 JARecon.exe DB                TDataSet.Open
00b4d81a JARecon.exe uJAMain   411 +11 TForm1.aeEventsIdle
007d4fb9 JARecon.exe AppEvnts          TCustomApplicationEvents.DoIdle
007d5772 JARecon.exe AppEvnts          TMultiCaster.DoIdle
004d9505 JARecon.exe Forms             TApplication.Idle
004d8af3 JARecon.exe Forms             TApplication.HandleMessage
004d8d16 JARecon.exe Forms             TApplication.Run
00b4f08b JARecon.exe JARecon    31  +5 initialization

Another question:  Why does it wait so long for a read lock?  The record lock wait is 100
and retries is 15.

Andrew Lyric
Wed, Nov 21 2007 10:48 AMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< I seem to be having a problem with 1.06 Build 1.  When starting my
application it sometimes locks for several minutes and then returns an
error:  "ElevateDB Error #300 Cannot lock table Transactions for read
access."  I am using the precompiled server.  I have also received this same
error in the DB Manager.  I'm using Delphi 7 on Win XP
SP2.  I'm not sure what to check for this, but here are some error reports,
if they help: >>

What does the SQL look like that you're executing that is causing the issue

Tim Young
Elevate Software

Wed, Nov 21 2007 10:49 AMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


Also, are you using any views in your database ?

Tim Young
Elevate Software

Wed, Nov 21 2007 1:24 PMPermanent Link

Andrew Lyric
"Tim Young [Elevate Software]" <timyoung@elevatesoft.com> wrote:

Hi Tim,

It seems to be happening when opening this query.  (After opening several TEDBTables, first.)

object tblTransactions: TEDBQuery
 DatabaseName = 'JAFoods'
 SessionName = 'JAFoods'
 RequestSensitive = True
 SQL.Strings = (
   'SELECT * FROM Transactions;')
 Params = <>
 Left = 64
 Top = 336
 object tblTransactionsTransactionID: TAutoIncField
   FieldName = 'TransactionID'
   Origin = 'Transactions.TransactionID'
   ReadOnly = True
 object tblTransactionsConceptID: TIntegerField
   FieldName = 'ConceptID'
   Origin = 'Transactions.ConceptID'
 object tblTransactionsAccountID: TIntegerField
   FieldName = 'AccountID'
   Origin = 'Transactions.AccountID'
 object tblTransactionsPeriod: TDateField
   FieldName = 'Period'
   Origin = 'Transactions.Period'
 object tblTransactionsDate: TDateField
   FieldName = 'Date'
   Origin = 'Transactions.Date'
 object tblTransactionsNumber: TIntegerField
   FieldName = 'Number'
   Origin = 'Transactions.Number'
 object tblTransactionsAmount: TBCDField
   FieldName = 'Amount'
   Origin = 'Transactions.Amount'
   Size = 2
 object tblTransactionsDescription: TMemoField
   FieldName = 'Description'
   Origin = 'Transactions.Description'
   BlobType = ftMemo
 object tblTransactionsReference: TStringField
   FieldName = 'Reference'
   Origin = 'Transactions.Reference'
 object tblTransactionsNotes: TMemoField
   FieldName = 'Notes'
   Origin = 'Transactions.Notes'
   BlobType = ftMemo
 object tblTransactionsSourceType: TSmallintField
   FieldName = 'SourceType'
   Origin = 'Transactions.SourceType'
 object tblTransactionsStatus: TSmallintField
   FieldName = 'Status'
   Origin = 'Transactions.Status'
 object tblTransactionsMatchedID: TIntegerField
   FieldName = 'MatchedID'
   Origin = 'Transactions.MatchedID'
 object tblTransactionsSourceSourceID: TIntegerField
   FieldName = 'SourceSourceID'
   Origin = 'Transactions.SourceSourceID'
 object tblTransactionsSourceLineNo: TIntegerField
   FieldName = 'SourceLineNo'
   Origin = 'Transactions.SourceLineNo'

I'm not sure, but it may only happen when I also have the table open in ElevateDB Manager.
It may just be coincidence, but I was able to run my app 5 times in a row with no freeze,
but when I opened the table in ElevateDB Manager, and then ran it, it froze on the second

Another note:  I'm running the app and the server on the same machine.


<< I seem to be having a problem with 1.06 Build 1.  When starting my
application it sometimes locks for several minutes and then returns an
error:  "ElevateDB Error #300 Cannot lock table Transactions for read
access."  I am using the precompiled server.  I have also received this same
error in the DB Manager.  I'm using Delphi 7 on Win XP
SP2.  I'm not sure what to check for this, but here are some error reports,
if they help: >>

What does the SQL look like that you're executing that is causing the issue

Tim Young
Elevate Software

Wed, Nov 21 2007 1:27 PMPermanent Link

Andrew Lyric
"Tim Young [Elevate Software]" <timyoung@elevatesoft.com> wrote:

No, not at the present time...but I will need them.  I had a view on this table at one
point, but I deleted it to see if it was causing the problem after reading something about
that in another post.


Also, are you using any views in your database ?

Tim Young
Elevate Software

Wed, Nov 21 2007 1:57 PMPermanent Link

Andrew Lyric
"Tim Young [Elevate Software]" <timyoung@elevatesoft.com> wrote:

I also wanted to note that the server won't shut down after this happens.  Well, at least
not for several minutes...the tray icon says stopping, and then eventually exits.  Same
delay if I just try to stop the server (not shut it down).

I also wanted to mention that I the same thing seems to happen in the ElevateDB Manager
sometimes.  It has happened just trying to open a table.

Hope that helps.


<< I seem to be having a problem with 1.06 Build 1.  When starting my
application it sometimes locks for several minutes and then returns an
error:  "ElevateDB Error #300 Cannot lock table Transactions for read
access."  I am using the precompiled server.  I have also received this same
error in the DB Manager.  I'm using Delphi 7 on Win XP
SP2.  I'm not sure what to check for this, but here are some error reports,
if they help: >>

What does the SQL look like that you're executing that is causing the issue

Tim Young
Elevate Software

Wed, Nov 21 2007 2:10 PMPermanent Link

Andrew Lyric
"Tim Young [Elevate Software]" <timyoung@elevatesoft.com> wrote:

Ok, I just tried to execute "delete from transactions" in the Manger and have the same
problem.  I just wanted to point out that I can still click on the close button and the
Manager immediately exits, so it's not really frozen...just waiting (and waiting...).
Also, if I close the sever, the connection is broken immediately with the Manager, but the
server still takes a while to shut down.



<< I seem to be having a problem with 1.06 Build 1.  When starting my
application it sometimes locks for several minutes and then returns an
error:  "ElevateDB Error #300 Cannot lock table Transactions for read
access."  I am using the precompiled server.  I have also received this same
error in the DB Manager.  I'm using Delphi 7 on Win XP
SP2.  I'm not sure what to check for this, but here are some error reports,
if they help: >>

What does the SQL look like that you're executing that is causing the issue

Tim Young
Elevate Software

Fri, Nov 23 2007 12:09 PMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< It seems to be happening when opening this query.  (After opening several
TEDBTables, first.) >>

Could you send me the database catalog that you're using along with the
Transactions table ?

Also, just so you know - the first "application seems to be frozen" is just
something that madExcept does when it doesn't get a response after a while.
The issue is that EDB is waiting for a lock on a table, and the reason that
it can't get the lock is the question at this point.

<< I'm not sure, but it may only happen when I also have the table open in
ElevateDB Manager. It may just be coincidence, but I was able to run my app
5 times in a row with no freeze, but when I opened the table in ElevateDB
Manager, and then ran it, it froze on the second try.  >>

I think that what you're seeing may be a simple variation on the issue with
the views.  Both use the same query change detection code, so it is highly
likely that this is the same issue.  However, I would like to get your
database catalog and table still just to be sure.

Tim Young
Elevate Software

Sat, Nov 24 2007 1:05 PMPermanent Link

Andrew Lyric
Hi Tim,

"Tim Young [Elevate Software]" <timyoung@elevatesoft.com> wrote:


<< It seems to be happening when opening this query.  (After opening several
TEDBTables, first.) >>

Could you send me the database catalog that you're using along with the
Transactions table ?

Sure, I emailed it to support.

Also, just so you know - the first "application seems to be frozen" is just
something that madExcept does when it doesn't get a response after a while.
The issue is that EDB is waiting for a lock on a table, and the reason that
it can't get the lock is the question at this point.

I know that Smile I sent it because I thought it might help you see where the problem was.
Also, I wanted to point out that the lock retry and wait time setting were not being
respected, due to the fact that it took 2 1/2 min to come back with an error message.
Shouldn't the max time be 1500ms (100ms X 15 retries)?

<< I'm not sure, but it may only happen when I also have the table open in
ElevateDB Manager. It may just be coincidence, but I was able to run my app
5 times in a row with no freeze, but when I opened the table in ElevateDB
Manager, and then ran it, it froze on the second try.  >>

I think that what you're seeing may be a simple variation on the issue with
the views.  Both use the same query change detection code, so it is highly
likely that this is the same issue.  However, I would like to get your
database catalog and table still just to be sure.

Ok, I was just trying to give you as many clues as possible.


Tim Young
Elevate Software

Sat, Nov 24 2007 1:10 PMPermanent Link

Andrew Lyric

Could you send me the database catalog that you're using along with the
Transactions table ?

>>Sure, I emailed it to support.

Or not...here it is.

Attachments: DebugBackup On 2007-11-24.EDBBkp
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