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Thread ReportBuilder Conversion
Thu, May 1 2008 7:37 AMPermanent Link

"Al Vas"

We have an extensive number of ReportBuilder reports (both standard and
customised by clients).  Has anyone performed the task of doing a conversion
from V3.30 of DBISAM to ElevateDB?  What is required and is it difficult?


Thu, May 1 2008 8:17 AMPermanent Link

Uli Becker

> We have an extensive number of ReportBuilder reports (both standard and
> customised by clients).  Has anyone performed the task of doing a
> conversion from V3.30 of DBISAM to ElevateDB?  What is required and is
> it difficult?

I am just working on the migration of a complex application from DBISAM
3.3 to EDB.
Concerning ReportBuilder there is just nothing to change.
Since the data-pipelines refer to a TDataSource it is 100% compatible.

Regards Uli
Thu, May 1 2008 12:10 PMPermanent Link

"Terry Swiers"

> We have an extensive number of ReportBuilder reports (both standard and
> customised by clients).  Has anyone performed the task of doing a
> conversion from V3.30 of DBISAM to ElevateDB?  What is required and is it
> difficult?

If you are using DBISAMTable and DBISAMQuery objects connected to the report
via DataPipelines as Uli indicated in his message, you shouldn't have to do
anything at all since the reports are not database specific.

But if you are like me, I use DADE objects to handle the data retrieval as
well as use binary templates with a header at the front of the template to
store custom data which makes the conversion a bit more difficult.  The
following is the entire code unit that I'm going to be using to convert my
DBISAM4 RB templates to EDB RB tamplates.  It pulls out the header, converts
the binary template to text, replaces the object, converts it back to
binary, inserts the header into the file stream, and then saves the

If you are not using a report header and offset, you can just strip out that
portion of the code.  And if you are using text templates, you can just load
the files directly into the stringlist and do the component replacement.

Hope this helps.

//>>> Start unit rbdbi2edb
unit rbdbi2edb;


 Classes, SysUtils, Dialogs;


 TemplateHeader = packed record
   HeaderID: LongInt;
   Offset: LongInt;
   //Add additional custom data here

   function ConvertFormat( FileName : String ) : Boolean;

 cHeaderID = $F0000001;


function ConvertFormat(FileName: String): Boolean;

 function LoadBinary(FileName : String; StringList : TStringList;
   var Header : TemplateHeader) : Boolean;
 lFileStream: TFileStream;
 lTextStream: TMemoryStream;
 lReadFrom : Integer;
 Result := False;

 lFileStream := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmOpenRead);
 lTextStream := TMemoryStream.Create;

 lFileStream.Seek(0, soFromBeginning);
 lFileStream.Read(Header, SizeOf(TemplateHeader));
 if (Header.HeaderID = cHeaderID) then lReadFrom := Header.Offset
 else begin
   FillChar(Header, SizeOf(TemplateHeader), 0);
   lReadFrom := 0;

 lFileStream.Position := lReadFrom;
 ObjectBinaryToText(lFileStream, lTextStream);
 lTextStream.Position := 0;
 Result := True;
 on E: Exception do begin

 function SaveBinary(FileName : String; StringList : TStringList;
   Header : TemplateHeader) : Boolean;
 lFileStream: TFileStream;
 lTextStream: TMemoryStream;
 lWriter: TWriter;
 Result := False;

 lFileStream := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmCreate);
 lTextStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
 lTextStream.Position := 0;

 Header.HeaderID := cHeaderID; //make sure the header ID is set
 Header.Offset := Sizeof(TemplateHeader);
 lFileStream.Write(Header, SizeOf(TemplateHeader));

 ObjectTextToBinary(lTextStream, lFileStream);
 lWriter := TWriter.Create(lFileStream, 1024);
 lFileStream.Position := 0;
 Result := True;

 procedure ReplaceObject(OldObject, NewObject : String;
   StringList : TStringList);
 n : Integer;
 for n := 0 to StringList.Count - 1 do
   StringList[n] := StringReplace(StringList[n], OldObject,
     NewObject, [rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase]);

StringList : TStringList;
Header : TemplateHeader;
Result := False;
StringList := TStringList.Create;
if LoadBinary(FileName, StringList, Header) then begin
 ReplaceObject('daDBISAMQueryDataView', 'daEDBQueryDataView',
 ReplaceObject('dtDBISAM', 'dtElevateDB', StringList);
 Result := SaveBinary(FileName, StringList, Header);

//>>> End unit rbdbi2edb


 Terry Swiers
 Millennium Software, LLC

 Atrex Inventory Control/POS -
    Big business features without spending big business bucks!

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