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Thread EDBException Error #9999
Tue, Mar 31 2009 9:52 AMPermanent Link

"Hedley Muscroft"
Hi Tim,

I have two separate customers who are both continually getting an
EDBException #9999 thrown with the message :-

Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: dest

The bizarre thing is that I cannot replicate the problem. I can see it
happening regularly on their computers (via LogMeIn) but when I copy their
databases to my PC, it all works perfectly.

One customer is on Windows XP, the other on Vista. I have also tried it on a
couple of my VirtualPCs - again no problem.

There's no information on Error #9999 in the manual - can you give me an
idea what might be causing this error message?

Many thanks!
Tue, Mar 31 2009 7:00 PMPermanent Link

"Hedley Muscroft"
Uh-oh - just had an email from another customer with the exact same problem.
Transferred their DB to my computer - can't reproduce it again.

I released an update to my app a couple of days ago. My app only auto-checks
for updates every 7 days which is why the updates tend to filter through
over a period of a week or so.

I have checked with a dozen or so other clients who are also running the
latest version WITHOUT any problems - there are just these 3 users now all
with the same Error #9999.

I honestly don't think I changed anything to do with EDB between this update
and the previous one (both were using 2.02b10) but I'm starting to get a
sinking feeling that this might be a bigger problem than I had thought at
first! Frown

Hope you can help soon!
Thu, Apr 2 2009 5:08 AMPermanent Link

"Hedley Muscroft"
I've found the cause of the problem. Once again it's ONLY an issue with
ADO.NET. The following query works perfectly under EDB Manager (unicode) but
fails via ADO.NET throwing

EDBException Error #9999
Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: dest

Here's the query :-
app.id, app.per_id, app.start, per.iscontact, per.ispatient,
cast(app.start as varchar(20)) || ' : ' || ((case (per.lastname is null)
when true then('') else (case (per.knownas is null or per.knownas='') when
true then (per.firstname) else (per.knownas) end || ' ' || per.lastname)
end) ) || ' with ' || coalesce(staff.knownas, '(no staff)') || ' [' ||
coalesce(apptype.name, 'no app type') || ']' as description,

app.staff_id, app.apptype_id, app.appstatus_id, app.clinic_id,
staff.knownas as _staff_name, apptype.name as _appointment_type

from app
left join staff on (app.staff_id=staff.id)
left join per on (app.per_id=per.id)
left join apptype on (app.apptype_id=apptype.id)

(app.per_id is not null and app.per_id>0) and
(app.start >  TIMESTAMP '2009-04-02 09:58:03') and
(app.start >=  TIMESTAMP '2009-04-03') and
(app.start <  TIMESTAMP '2009-04-04') and
(app.id in (select ref_app_id from link where flag_id in (select id from
flag where (flagtype_id in (1270309142233296661))))) and (app.appstatus_id
is null or app.appstatus_id not in (select id from appstatus where
cancelled=true)) and (app.remindersent is null) and (app.per_id not in
(select ref_per_id from link where flag_id in (select id from flag where
(flagtype_id in (1270309142222333560)))))

order by app.start

Here's a database to test it with :-

Really hope this can be fixed soon! (perhaps slipped into 2.02b11?)

Thanks Tim.
Thu, Apr 2 2009 11:28 AMPermanent Link

"Hedley Muscroft"
Here's another SQL statement (this time an UPDATE) which comes up with the
same error in ADO.NET but works fine in EDB Manager.

update link set ref_visnote_id=null where ref_visnote_id in
(select id from visnote where sess_id in
 (select id from sess where cas_id=1120309114528358654));

You can use the sample database from the previous post.

Thu, Apr 2 2009 3:18 PMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< I have two separate customers who are both continually getting an
EDBException #9999 thrown with the message :- >>

This is the same issue that you already reported and that I already fixed
for B11:


Tim Young
Elevate Software
