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Thread Script bug?
Sun, Jun 22 2008 10:44 AMPermanent Link

Roy Lambert

NLH Associates

Team Elevate Team Elevate


With no disrespect I hope this is yours because I can't make head or tail of it. My in this area code hasn't changed. The only differences are installing the latest release and settings string fields to '' and not nullable.

Sorry for the length of post (especially if its me).

procedure TEMailsForm.RefreshCounts(Sender: TObject);
Cntr: integer;
Walker: TElTreeItem;
// Stage 1 clear out any stuff already there
for Cntr := 0 to mbTree.Items.Count - 1 do begin
 mbTree.Items[Cntr].Bold := False;
 mbTree.Items[Cntr].ParentStyle := True;
 mbTree.Items[Cntr].Hint := '';
Recount.ParamByName('USERID').AsString := HHCommons.UserID;
Recount.ExecScript;  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< BOMBS HERE
emCounts.IndexName := 'PK';
// Now put the new info in place
for Cntr := 0 to mbTree.Items.Count - 1 do begin
 if emCounts.FindKey([mbTree.Items[Cntr].Tag]) then begin
  mbTree.Items[Cntr].Hint := emCounts.FieldByName('_BoxName').AsString + ' (' + emCounts.FieldByName('_Unread').AsString + ' unread out of ' + emCounts.FieldByName('_OnFile').AsString + ' on file)';
  if emCounts.FieldByName('_Unread').AsInteger > 0 then begin
   mbTree.Items[Cntr].Text := emCounts.FieldByName('_BoxName').AsString + ' (' + emCounts.FieldByName('_Unread').AsString + ')';
   mbTree.Items[Cntr].Bold := True;
   mbTree.Items[Cntr].ParentStyle := False;
   Walker := mbTree.Items[Cntr].Parent;
   while (Walker <> nil) and (not Walker.Bold) do begin
    Walker.Bold := True;
    Walker.ParentStyle := False;
    Walker := Walker.Parent;
  end else begin
   mbTree.Items[Cntr].Bold := False;
   mbTree.Items[Cntr].ParentStyle := True;
   mbTree.Items[Cntr].Text := emCounts.FieldByName('_BoxName').AsString;

PREPARE InfoStmt FROM 'SELECT * FROM Information.Tables WHERE Name = ''emCounts''';
OPEN InfoCursor;
IF (ROWCOUNT(InfoCursor) > 0) THEN
CLOSE InfoCursor;
SET SQLStatement = 'CREATE TABLE emCounts AS
(SELECT COUNT(_fkMailBoxes) from "$Disk".EMails WHERE _fkMailBoxes = MailBoxes._Boxno
(EMails._Private = FALSE OR EMails._fkUsers = '''+USERID+ ''')) AS _OnFile ,
(SELECT COUNT(_fkMailBoxes) from "$Disk".emReadStatus WHERE _fkUsers = '''+USERID+ ''' AND _fkMailboxes = MailBoxes._Boxno) AS _Read,
0 AS _Unread
FROM "$Disk".MailBoxes
WHERE _Monitored = TRUE
PREPARE ResultStmt FROM SQLStatement;
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'UPDATE emCounts SET _Unread = _OnFile - _Read';

$Disk is StringReplaced in the forms OnCreate event

MadExcept stuff

TfR.exe: Memory Error Detected
FastMM has detected an attempt to call a virtual method on a freed object. An access violation will now be raised in order to abort the current operation.

Freed object class: TEDBIndexedLocalCursor

Virtual method: Destroy

Virtual method address: 6040F8

The allocation number was: 376057

Stack trace of when the object was allocated (return addresses):
402DFE [System][@GetMem]
404663 [System][TObject.NewInstance]
404A2A [System][@ClassCreate]
603FB7 [edblocal][TEDBIndexedLocalCursor.Create]
146250 [@Borlndmm@SysFreeMem$qqrpv]
606096 [edblocal][TEDBQueryManager.CreateResultCursor]
609762 [edblocal][TEDBQueryManager.Execute]
60D785 [edblocal][TEDBLocalStatementManager.Execute]
60CB30 [edblocal][TEDBStatementValue.Execute]

Stack trace of when the object was subsequently freed (return addresses):
404681 [System][TObject.FreeInstance]
404A75 [System][@ClassDestroy]
604163 [edblocal][TEDBIndexedLocalCursor.Destroy]
4046C7 [System][TObject.Free]
534EF5 [edbcommon][FreeAndNil]
60C67A [edblocal][TEDBStatementValue.FreeResultCursor]
5CDEB4 [edblocal][TEDBLocalEvaluator.EvaluateCLOSE]
5D6761 [edblocal][TEDBLocalEvaluator.EvaluateControl]
5D2AB4 [edblocal][TEDBLocalEvaluator.EvaluateBlock]

The current stack trace leading to this error (return addresses):
534EF5 [edbcommon][FreeAndNil]
609D8B [edblocal][TEDBQueryValue.FreeResultCursor]
609D5D [edblocal][TEDBQueryValue.Destroy]
4046C7 [System][TObject.Free]
534EF5 [edbcommon][FreeAndNil]
54A1CA [edbeval][TEDBExprEvaluator.FreeValue]
54A233 [edbeval][TEDBExprEvaluator.ResetNextToken]
54A225 [edbeval][TEDBExprEvaluator.ResetNextToken]
54A225 [edbeval][TEDBExprEvaluator.ResetNextToken]

Current memory dump of 256 bytes starting at pointer address 6AB0B08:
F8 0D 15 00 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80
80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80
80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80
80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80
80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80
80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 5F F5 54 F9 80 80 00 00 21 0F AB 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 5E 92 05 00 FE 2D 40 00 63 46 40 00 2A 4A 40 00 AF 1D 5C 00 D6 90 5D 00
73 9E 5D 00 E7 68 5D 00 77 6D 5D 00 66 C4 5E 00 1A 2E 40 00 81 46 40 00 75 4A 40 00 B9 1E 5C 00
 .  .  .                                                        
                       _    T        .  .  !  .    .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  ^    .  .    -  @  .  c  F  @  .  *  J  @  .    .  \  .      ]  ..
s    ]  .    h  ]  .  w  m  ]  .  f    ^  .  .  .  @  .    F  @  .  u  J  @  .    .  \  .


exception message : Access violation at address 76E542EB in module 'kernel32.dll'. Write of address 00000000.

main thread ($cdc):
00622122 +20e TfR.exe      edbcomps      TEDBScript.GetScriptCursor
00621dc9 +035 TfR.exe      edbcomps      TEDBScript.CreateCursor
00621e85 +035 TfR.exe      edbcomps      TEDBScript.ExecScript
00a54524 +0d4 TfR.exe      EMails   2042 TEMailsForm.RefreshCounts
00a55a9b +6a3 TfR.exe      EMails   2345 TEMailsForm.DoDisplayEMails
00a4e958 +064 TfR.exe      EMails    579 TEMailsForm.mbAfterSelectionChange
007a9fb9 +015 TfR.exe      ElTree        TCustomElTree.DoAfterSelectionChange
0079cc62 +446 TfR.exe      ElTree        TElTreeView.MouseDown
004b85de +076 TfR.exe      Controls      TControl.DoMouseDown
004b862c +040 TfR.exe      Controls      TControl.WMLButtonDown
0079b10b +053 TfR.exe      ElTree        TElTreeView.WMLButtonDown
004b8003 +2bb TfR.exe      Controls      TControl.WndProc
004bbd49 +499 TfR.exe      Controls      TWinControl.WndProc
00792e1b +123 TfR.exe      ElTree        TElTreeView.WndProc
004bb4d4 +02c TfR.exe      Controls      TWinControl.MainWndProc
0047acd0 +014 TfR.exe      Classes       StdWndProc
767b5a27 +00a USER32.dll                 DispatchMessageA
004d5b78 +0fc TfR.exe      Forms         TApplication.ProcessMessage
004d5bb2 +00a TfR.exe      Forms         TApplication.HandleMessage
004d5dd2 +096 TfR.exe      Forms         TApplication.Run
00adc13d +085 TfR.exe      TfR        96 initialization
76e5490f +010 kernel32.dll               BaseThreadInitThunk

00140000 borlndmm.dll          E:\HH Dev\TfRSource
00160000 FastMM_FullDebugMode.dll         E:\HH Dev\TfRSource
00400000 TfR.exe                                   E:\HH Dev\TfRSource
6c780000 RICHED20.dll        C:\Windows\system32
6f570000 olepro32.dll             6.0.6001.18000   C:\Windows\system32
72ae0000 wsock32.dll              6.0.6001.18000   C:\Windows\system32
73290000 RICHED32.DLL             6.0.6001.18000   C:\Windows\system32
73f70000 comctl32.dll             5.82.6001.18000  C:\Windows\WinSxS\x86_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_5.82.6001.18000_none_886786f450a74a05
74400000 gdiplus.dll              5.2.6001.18000   C:\Windows\WinSxS\x86_microsoft.windows.gdiplus_6595b64144ccf1df_1.0.6001.18000_none_9e752e5ac9c619f3
74600000 OLEACC.dll               4.2.5406.0       C:\Windows\system32
74640000 winmm.dll                6.0.6001.18000   C:\Windows\system32
74b50000 winspool.drv             6.0.6001.18000   C:\Windows\system32
75020000 uxtheme.dll              6.0.6001.18000   C:\Windows\system32
75160000 comctl32.dll             6.10.6001.18000  C:\Windows\WinSxS\x86_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.6001.18000_none_5cdbaa5a083979cc
75620000 msimg32.dll              6.0.6000.16386   C:\Windows\system32
75aa0000 version.dll              6.0.6001.18000   C:\Windows\system32
75bf0000 dhcpcsvc6.DLL            6.0.6001.18000   C:\Windows\system32
75c20000 WINNSI.DLL               6.0.6001.18000   C:\Windows\system32
75c30000 dhcpcsvc.DLL             6.0.6001.18000   C:\Windows\system32
75c70000 iphlpapi.dll             6.0.6001.18000   C:\Windows\system32
75eb0000 DNSAPI.dll               6.0.6001.18000   C:\Windows\system32
76310000 Secur32.dll              6.0.6001.18000   C:\Windows\system32
76480000 RPCRT4.dll               6.0.6001.18000   C:\Windows\system32
76550000 MSCTF.dll                6.0.6001.18000   C:\Windows\system32
76620000 SHLWAPI.dll              6.0.6001.18000   C:\Windows\system32
767a0000 USER32.dll               6.0.6001.18000   C:\Windows\system32
76840000 oleaut32.dll             6.0.6001.18000   C:\Windows\system32
76be0000 imagehlp.dll             6.0.6001.18000   C:\Windows\system32
76c10000 msvcrt.dll               7.0.6001.18000   C:\Windows\system32
76cc0000 ADVAPI32.dll             6.0.6001.18000   C:\Windows\system32
76d90000 comdlg32.dll             6.0.6001.18000   C:\Windows\system32
76e10000 kernel32.dll             6.0.6001.18000   C:\Windows\system32
76ef0000 shell32.dll              6.0.6001.18000   C:\Windows\system32
77a00000 ole32.dll                6.0.6001.18000   C:\Windows\system32
77b50000 USP10.dll                1.626.6001.18000 C:\Windows\system32
77bd0000 WS2_32.dll               6.0.6001.18000   C:\Windows\system32
77c00000 ntdll.dll                6.0.6001.18000   C:\Windows\system32
77d30000 LPK.DLL                  6.0.6001.18000   C:\Windows\system32
77de0000 imm32.dll                6.0.6001.18000   C:\Windows\system32
77e00000 NSI.dll                  6.0.6001.18000   C:\Windows\system32
77e10000 GDI32.dll                6.0.6001.18000   C:\Windows\system32

00622112   jnz     loc_622129
00622114   mov     ecx, ebx
00622116   mov     dl, 1
00622118   mov     eax, [$612fd4]
0062211d   call    -$b356 ($616dcc)       ; edbcomps.EEDBError.Create
00622122 > call    -$21d0f3 ($405034)     ; System.@RaiseExcept
00622127   jmp     loc_62212e
00622129   call    -$21d0d2 ($40505c)     ; System.@RaiseAgain
0062212e   call    -$21d083 ($4050b0)     ; System.@DoneExcept
00622133   mov     eax, [ebp-8]
00622136   pop     edi

date/time         : 2008-06-22, 15:19:28, 700ms
computer name     : WORKDELL
user name         : Roy Lambert <admin>
registered owner  : Roy Lambert / NLH Associates
operating system  : Windows Vista Service Pack 1 build 6001
system language   : English
system up time    : 13 minutes 21 seconds
program up time   : 33 seconds
processors        : 2x Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T9300 @ 2.50GHz
physical memory   : 2050/3069 MB (free/total)
free disk space   : (CSmile10.56 GB (ESmile17.23 GB
display mode      : 1440x900, 32 bit
process id        : $e74
allocated memory  : 62.20 MB
executable        : TfR.exe
exec. date/time   : 2008-06-22 15:18
compiled with     : Delphi 2006/07
madExcept version : 3.0f
callstack crc     : $a68c7738, $29db9b38, $29db9b38
exception number  : 1
exception class   : EEDBError
exception message : Access violation at address 76E542EB in module 'kernel32.dll'. Write of address 00000000.

main thread ($b78):
00622122 +20e TfR.exe      edbcomps      TEDBScript.GetScriptCursor
00621dc9 +035 TfR.exe      edbcomps      TEDBScript.CreateCursor
00621e85 +035 TfR.exe      edbcomps      TEDBScript.ExecScript
00a54524 +0d4 TfR.exe      EMails   2042 TEMailsForm.RefreshCounts
00a55a9b +6a3 TfR.exe      EMails   2345 TEMailsForm.DoDisplayEMails
00a4e958 +064 TfR.exe      EMails    579 TEMailsForm.mbAfterSelectionChange
007a9fb9 +015 TfR.exe      ElTree        TCustomElTree.DoAfterSelectionChange
0079cc62 +446 TfR.exe      ElTree        TElTreeView.MouseDown
004b85de +076 TfR.exe      Controls      TControl.DoMouseDown
004b862c +040 TfR.exe      Controls      TControl.WMLButtonDown
0079b10b +053 TfR.exe      ElTree        TElTreeView.WMLButtonDown
004b8003 +2bb TfR.exe      Controls      TControl.WndProc
004bbd49 +499 TfR.exe      Controls      TWinControl.WndProc
00792e1b +123 TfR.exe      ElTree        TElTreeView.WndProc
004bb4d4 +02c TfR.exe      Controls      TWinControl.MainWndProc
0047acd0 +014 TfR.exe      Classes       StdWndProc
767b5a27 +00a USER32.dll                 DispatchMessageA
004d5b78 +0fc TfR.exe      Forms         TApplication.ProcessMessage
004d5bb2 +00a TfR.exe      Forms         TApplication.HandleMessage
004d5dd2 +096 TfR.exe      Forms         TApplication.Run
00adc13d +085 TfR.exe      TfR        96 initialization
76e5490f +010 kernel32.dll               BaseThreadInitThunk

Roy Lambert
Sun, Jun 22 2008 8:34 PMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< With no disrespect I hope this is yours because I can't make head or tail
of it. My in this area code hasn't changed. The only differences are
installing the latest release and settings string fields to '' and not
nullable. >>

My first question would be - how the heck are you creating a database called
"$Disk" ?  That's an invalid identifier.

Secondly, can you reproduce this in the EDB Manager ?  If so, can you give
me the steps ?

Tim Young
Elevate Software

Mon, Jun 23 2008 3:43 AMPermanent Link

Roy Lambert

NLH Associates

Team Elevate Team Elevate


>My first question would be - how the heck are you creating a database called
>"$Disk" ? That's an invalid identifier.

I know it was Sunday, and it was a long post but I wrote

"$Disk is StringReplaced in the forms OnCreate event"

>Secondly, can you reproduce this in the EDB Manager ? If so, can you give
>me the steps ?

I'll try, and let you know

Roy Lambert
Mon, Jun 23 2008 4:04 AMPermanent Link

Roy Lambert

NLH Associates

Team Elevate Team Elevate


>Secondly, can you reproduce this in the EDB Manager ? If so, can you give
>me the steps ?

Just tried and, surprisingly, I can't.

Any clues as to what might be causing it? ie what is there that I can do that could result in

FastMM has detected an attempt to call a virtual method on a freed object. An access violation will now be raised in order to abort the current operation.

Freed object class: TEDBIndexedLocalCursor

Roy Lambert
Mon, Jun 23 2008 4:11 AMPermanent Link

Roy Lambert

NLH Associates

Team Elevate Team Elevate


Definitely your bug. I've just reinstalled b1 and no problems.

Sorry I can't give you any more assistance in tracking it down. But if you can think of anything let me know.

Roy Lambert
Mon, Jun 23 2008 9:19 AMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< Just tried and, surprisingly, I can't.>>

How did you call it the first time when the error occurred ?

Tim Young
Elevate Software

Mon, Jun 23 2008 9:19 AMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< I know it was Sunday, and it was a long post but I wrote >>

Sorry, missed that when I was scrolling through everything.

Tim Young
Elevate Software

Mon, Jun 23 2008 9:21 AMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< How did you call it the first time when the error occurred ? >>

Actually, what I meant here is - did you call that procedure that you showed
just once, or was it called several times before the error occurred ?

Tim Young
Elevate Software

Mon, Jun 23 2008 9:59 AMPermanent Link

Roy Lambert

NLH Associates

Team Elevate Team Elevate


>Actually, what I meant here is - did you call that procedure that you showed
>just once, or was it called several times before the error occurred ?

Can't try just now cos I've changed the table structure and I'm running the conversion routine again (takes c90 mins), and I've reinstalled the previous version so I can keep on working but from memory:

the procedure is called after the mailbox is changed. Mailboxes are displayed using TElTree (light version) OnSelectionChange and I think its one of those events which fires twice (like DBGrid fires 3 times). So I open the app, it creates the email form. The InBox is empty and I click on a converted mailbox. The procedure & script run - no problem.

I then click on another email displayed using a TAdvStringGrid and the procedure is called almost as the last thing on displaying the email, and blewy up it goes.

So it could be run twice and then blow up on the third or once and then blows up on the second.

I'll let you know after the conversion and I've reinstalled b2, probably tonight.

Roy Lambert
Mon, Jun 23 2008 11:55 AMPermanent Link

Roy Lambert

NLH Associates

Team Elevate Team Elevate


Its getting weirder. Just re-installed b2 and its working fine. Since the conversion routine is pulling data from my live system (DBISAM until I finish my epic journey to ElevateDB) it changes each time I do a conversion. So it looks as though its data related in some way that b1 handled fine but b2 threw a wobbly over.

I hate these sort of things.

Roy Lambert
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