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Thread Sanity check
Tue, Jul 22 2008 11:48 AMPermanent Link

Roy Lambert

NLH Associates

Team Elevate Team Elevate

All opinions welcome

Is it worth converting the code below to SQL for use in triggers or should I stick with Delphi

function FormatPhoneNumber(const Text: string): string;
Check: string;
SubCheck: string;
Cntr: integer;
Offset: integer;
PhoneStr: string;
International: boolean;
Sufix: string;
Ignores: string;
iChunk: integer;
MaxFieldLength = 25;
iCodes = [20, 27, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 39, 40, 41, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 52, 53, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 60, 61, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 81, 82, 84, 86, 90, 91, 92, 93, 93, 94, 98];
if (Text = '') or (not (Text[1] in ['+', '0'..'9'])) then begin
 Result := Text;
Ignores := GetCfgStr(cfg_IgnoreInPhone) + ' ';
International := False;
Offset := 0;
Sufix := '';
if Text[1] = '+' then begin
 International := True;
 Offset := 1;
end else if Copy(Text, 1, 2) = '00' then begin
 International := True;
 Offset := 2;
Check := '';
for Cntr := Offset + 1 to Length(Text) do begin
 if (Text[Cntr] in ['0'..'9']) then Check := Check + Text[Cntr] else begin
  if 0 = Pos(Text[Cntr], Ignores) then begin
   Sufix := Copy(Text, Cntr, MaxFieldLength);
if International then begin
 Result := '+';
 if (Check[1] = '1') or (Check[1] = '7') then iChunk := 1
 else if (StrToInt(Copy(Check, 1, 2)) in iCodes) then iChunk := 2
 else iChunk := 3;
 Result := Result + Copy(Check, 1, iChunk) + ' ';
 Delete(Check, 1, iChunk);
 Result := Result + Copy(Check, 1, 3) + ' ' + Copy(Check, 4, 3) + ' ' + Copy(Check, 7, 3) + ' ' + Copy(Check, 10, 3);
 if Length(Check) > 12 then Result := Result + ' ' + Copy(Check, 13, MaxFieldLength);
end else begin
 case Check[2] of
  '1': begin
    if (StrToInt(Copy(Check, 2, 3)) in [118, 121, 131, 141, 151, 161])
     then Result := Copy(Check, 1, 4) + ' ' + Copy(Check, 5, 3) + ' ' + Copy(Check, 7, 4)
    else Result := Copy(Check, 1, 5) + ' ' + Copy(Check, 6, 3) + ' ' + Copy(Check, 9, 3);
  '2': begin
    Result := Copy(Check, 1, 3) + ' ' + Copy(Check, 4, 4) + ' ' + Copy(Check, 8, 4);
  '7': begin
    Result := Copy(Check, 1, 2) + ' ' + Copy(Check, 3, 3) + ' ' + Copy(Check, 6, 3) + ' ' + Copy(Check, 9, 3);
  '8': begin
    Result := Copy(Check, 1, 4) + ' ' + Copy(Check, 5, 3) + ' ' + Copy(Check, 7, 4);
 else begin
   Result := Copy(Check, 1, 11);
 if Length(Check) > 11 then Result := Result + ' ' + Copy(Check, 12, MaxFieldLength);
if Sufix <> '' then Result := TrimRight(TrimRight(Result) + ' ' + Sufix);

Roy Lambert
Tue, Jul 22 2008 11:56 AMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< Is it worth converting the code below to SQL for use in triggers or
should I stick with Delphi >>

I would say that it will be *more* worth it to do so when the config-level
procedures and functions are implemented, which should be 2.02.  Of course,
if you only need it in one database, then there's no issue.

Tim Young
Elevate Software

Tue, Jul 22 2008 1:43 PMPermanent Link

Roy Lambert

NLH Associates

Team Elevate Team Elevate


>I would say that it will be *more* worth it to do so when the config-level
>procedures and functions are implemented, which should be 2.02. Of course,
>if you only need it in one database, then there's no issue.

I was planning on leaving it until then anyway Smiley but it was more am I going to get much by coding in SQL (which I think is going to be a minor pain) rather than leaving it called from a dll.

Roy Lambert
Mon, Feb 23 2009 7:55 AMPermanent Link

Roy Lambert

NLH Associates

Team Elevate Team Elevate


>I would say that it will be *more* worth it to do so when the config-level
>procedures and functions are implemented, which should be 2.02. Of course,
>if you only need it in one database, then there's no issue.

Just re-encountered this whilst scanning for something else. Any comments?

Roy Lambert
Mon, Feb 23 2009 9:02 PMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< Just re-encountered this whilst scanning for something else. Any
comments? >>

It's in the pile for 2.03.  At the very least, I'll make the config metadata
changes for 2.03 so that even if the SQL is not surfaced right away, it can
be in a later release.

Tim Young
Elevate Software

Tue, Feb 24 2009 2:22 AMPermanent Link

Roy Lambert

NLH Associates

Team Elevate Team Elevate


Its a good job I can hold my breath a loooong time Smiley

Roy Lambert
Tue, Dec 29 2009 10:57 AMPermanent Link

Roy Lambert

NLH Associates

Team Elevate Team Elevate


Any news on the roadmap for this one as well?

Roy Lambert
Wed, Dec 30 2009 10:36 AMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< Any news on the roadmap for this one as well? >>

It's currently scheduled for 2.04.  A bunch of config-level changes didn't
make it into 2.03 due to the need to rush it a bit.  All of this stuff is in
a constant state of flux, unfortunately.  However, the new web site design
has a better layout for the roadmaps, and I'll be updating them a bit more

Tim Young
Elevate Software

Thu, Dec 31 2009 5:37 AMPermanent Link

Roy Lambert

NLH Associates

Team Elevate Team Elevate


>It's currently scheduled for 2.04. A bunch of config-level changes didn't
>make it into 2.03 due to the need to rush it a bit. All of this stuff is in
>a constant state of flux, unfortunately. However, the new web site design
>has a better layout for the roadmaps, and I'll be updating them a bit more

Good (only .02 late then Smiley.

I just had a quick look at the new roadmap, is there a need for keeping the "its been done" stuff on there? My personal preference would be just to see what's coming, with possibly the other stuff in a feature list.

Roy Lambert


I also spotted the new article - if I ever recant and decide to have a go at c/s it will be VERY useful.
Thu, Dec 31 2009 12:51 PMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< I just had a quick look at the new roadmap, is there a need for keeping
the "its been done" stuff on there? My personal preference would be just to
see what's coming, with possibly the other stuff in a feature list. >>

I'm surfacing the release notes in the incident reports and downloads in the
new web site, so yes, I can see about changing that also.

<< I also spotted the new article - if I ever recant and decide to have a go
at c/s it will be VERY useful. >>

Which one ?  The "remote connections" article ?

Tim Young
Elevate Software

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