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Thread Locate nearest
Mon, Jul 19 2010 8:34 PMPermanent Link

Jeff Dunlop

Any ideas on using locate or something equally fast in an existing result set to find the nearest (as opposed to a partially matching) value?

search = 'JOHNS' in a result containing


I would like to land on johnville because nothing exactly matches.
Mon, Jul 19 2010 8:39 PMPermanent Link

Jeff Dunlop

Erm, restated for accuracy,

search = 'JOHNSTON' in a result containing


I would like to land on JOHNSTONE because nothing exactly matches.
Tue, Jul 20 2010 3:30 AMPermanent Link

Roy Lambert

NLH Associates

Team Elevate Team Elevate


>Any ideas on using locate or something equally fast in an existing result set to find the nearest (as opposed to a partially matching) value?
>search = 'JOHNS' in a result containing
>I would like to land on johnville because nothing exactly matches.

You're looking for the equivalent of the table.FindNearest I think. That wouldn't work either if the documentation is anything to go by. The best I can suggest is something like

procedure TForm1.Button4Click(Sender: TObject);
bumph: string;
Found: boolean;
bumph := 'arch@j';
Found := False;
while not Found do begin
 if Length(bumph) = 1 then Found := True else begin
  if emails.Locate('_emdestination', bumph, [loPartialKey]) then begin
   if Copy(emails.FieldByName('_emdestination').AsString, 1, Length(bumph)) = bumph
    then Found := True
   else Bumph := Copy(Bumph, 1, Length(Bumph) - 1);
  end else Bumph := Copy(Bumph, 1, Length(Bumph) - 1);
showmessage(emails.FieldByName('_emdestination').AsString + '   ' + bumph);

Roy Lambert [Team Elevate]
Tue, Jul 20 2010 11:06 PMPermanent Link

Jeff Dunlop

Yeah I took that approach, but it can get expensive for objects with events hanging off of them.

Tim, that would be a tres plus sexy feature!!! Build it into TEDBQuery, how hard could it be? (joke, son) And our search forms would absolutely sing with the interface I have in mind.
Wed, Jul 21 2010 12:08 AMPermanent Link

Jeff Dunlop

A reasonable workaround is to construct a query such as

select lastname, firstname
from doctor
where lastname + ',' + firstname >= 'Jones,Z'
order by lastname, firstname

And then locate on what it finds. An extra trip to the server to find the locate that will work is far cheaper than hitting several locates on an open result set and is easier to implement correct results across multiple columns.
Wed, Jul 21 2010 3:49 AMPermanent Link

Roy Lambert

NLH Associates

Team Elevate Team Elevate


>Yeah I took that approach, but it can get expensive for objects with events hanging off of them.

True - so add a disablecontrols/enablecontrols in

>Tim, that would be a tres plus sexy feature!!! Build it into TEDBQuery, how hard could it be? (joke, son) And our search forms would absolutely sing with the interface I have in mind.

The problem with doing anything is the lack of indices. I have two main approaches when I need to do much with the results of a query 1) using in-memory tables to hold the result set 2) use TMS AdvStringGrid to hold the output. Depending on what you want to do, the size of the result set, wether you're using c/s or f/s (in the former case in-memory tables anint much good cos they sit on the server) it can be very efficient, especially when you have an insensitive result set.

Roy Lambert [Team Elevate]
Wed, Jul 21 2010 3:59 AMPermanent Link

Roy Lambert

NLH Associates

Team Elevate Team Elevate


>A reasonable workaround is to construct a query such as
>select lastname, firstname
>from doctor
>where lastname + ',' + firstname >= 'Jones,Z'
>order by lastname, firstname
>And then locate on what it finds. An extra trip to the server to find the locate that will work is far cheaper than hitting several locates on an open result set and is easier to implement correct results across multiple columns.

Good idea as long as you can pick the right lastname Smiley I do something similar on the contacts form of my app for when people type in a name (Contacts is a table not a query though)

procedure TContactsForm.DoFindTimer(Sender: TObject);
DoFind.Enabled := False;
if (Finder.Text <> '') and (Finder.Text[Length(Finder.Text)] <> ',') then begin
 if Finder.Text[1] in ['0'..'9'] then begin
  Contacts.Locate('_ID', StrToInt(Finder.Text), []);
 end else begin
  if (0 = Pos(',', Finder.Text)) then begin
   Contacts.Locate('_Surname', Finder.Text, [loCaseInsensitive, loPartialKey]);
  end else begin
   if not Contacts.Locate('_Surname;_Forename', VarArrayOf([SubFld(Finder.Text, ',', 1), SubFld(Finder.Text, ',', 2)]), [loCaseInsensitive, loPartialKey]) then begin
     if not ComplexFind.Prepared then ComplexFind.Prepare;
    ComplexFind.ParamByName('Surname').AsString := SubFld(Finder.Text, ',', 1) + '%';
    ComplexFind.ParamByName('Forename').AsString := SubFld(Finder.Text, ',', 2) + '%';
    if ComplexFind.RecordCount > 0 then begin
     Contacts.Locate('_ID', ComplexFind.Fields[0].AsInteger, []);

As you can guess with the function name its run off a timer which is reset every time a character is typed.

ComplexFind is

SELECT _ID ,_Surname,_Forename FROM Contacts
_Surname LIKE :Surname
_Forename LIKE :Forename
ORDER BY _Surname,_Forename

Its running in f/s mode so probably not as efficient as c/s but its pretty fast.
Wed, Jul 21 2010 5:34 AMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< Any ideas on using locate or something equally fast in an existing result
set to find the nearest (as opposed to a partially matching) value? >>

You should be able to just use the >= operator combined with a RANGE 1 to 1.
You only want the next matching value, correct ?

Tim Young
Elevate Software

Wed, Jul 21 2010 7:56 PMPermanent Link

Jeff Dunlop

Ah good point, to protect against the index not existing.