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Thread How do I know if a STORE exists?
Mon, Jun 24 2013 11:14 PMPermanent Link

Jeff Cook

Aspect Systems Ltd


Just started to dabble with ElevateDB  -  just converted a Delphi7/DBISAM3
application to DelphiXE/ElevateDB2.

So far I've had success with a simple app, but struck a problem with BackUps
and STOREs.

The follwong works OK the first time:-
frmMain.EDBSession.Execute('CREATE STORE "BackUps" AS LOCAL PATH ' +
   frmMain.EDBEngine.QuotedSQLStr(edtLocation.Text) +
   ' DESCRIPTION ''ACES Database Backups''');

 frmMain.EDBSession.Execute('BACKUP DATABASE "ACES" ' + 'AS "ACES-Backup-'
   frmMain.EDBEngine.DateToSQLStr(Date) + '" ' + 'TO STORE "BackUps" ' +
.... but subsequent runs fails on the CREATE STORE because it already exists.

I know how to "SELECT * FROM Information.Tables WHERE ..." to find out if a
table exists, but I can't see how to do the same with a Store.



Jeff Cook
Aspect Systems Ltd

Tue, Jun 25 2013 3:13 AMPermanent Link

Roy Lambert

NLH Associates

Team Elevate Team Elevate


>I know how to "SELECT * FROM Information.Tables WHERE ..." to find out if a
>table exists, but I can't see how to do the same with a Store.

That's cos the information is in Configuration Smiley

select * from configuration.stores

But I don't bother

if buLocation <> '' then begin
  dm.TfRSession.Execute('DROP STORE "buTfR" KEEP CONTENTS');
 dm.TfRSession.Execute('CREATE STORE "buTfR" AS LOCAL PATH ' + QuotedStr(buLocation));

Roy Lambert [Team Elevate]
Tue, Jun 25 2013 5:24 PMPermanent Link

Jeff Cook

Aspect Systems Ltd


Thanks Roy

>>I know how to "SELECT * FROM Information.Tables WHERE ..." to find out if
>>table exists, but I can't see how to do the same with a Store.
> That's cos the information is in Configuration Smiley
> select * from configuration.stores
> But I don't bother
> if buLocation <> '' then begin
>  ForceDirectories(buLocation);
>  try
>   dm.TfRSession.Execute('DROP STORE "buTfR" KEEP CONTENTS');
>  except
>  end;
>  dm.TfRSession.Execute('CREATE STORE "buTfR" AS LOCAL PATH ' +
> QuotedStr(buLocation));

Ah!  Configuration, not Information.  I'll have read more in the Help!

Not so keen on the "try except end;" to swallow the error - I could have
done it like this:-
 ....  Session.Execute('CREATE STORE ...');
except end;
Session.Execute('BACKUP DATABASE ...');
.... but baulked at swallowing the error.  So I have adapted one of the
routines you posted here:-
function TCommon.IsStoreThere(const SessionName, DatabaseName,
 StoreName: string): Boolean;
 Checker: TEDBQuery;
 Checker := TEDBQuery.Create(nil);
   Checker.SessionName := SessionName;
   Checker.DatabaseName := DatabaseName;
   Checker.SQL.Text := 'SELECT * FROM Configuration.Stores WHERE Name = ' +
   Result := Checker.RecordCount > 0;

Thanks again

