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Thread Copy from filesystem to store and vice versa
Thu, Jun 28 2012 4:21 AMPermanent Link

Heiko Knuettel

It would be very nice if I could copy files from e.g "C:\LocalDocuments" to the store "ServerDocuments" and backwards, in cases when the users have no read/write permission for the folder on the server with the store "ServerDocuments".
Thu, Jun 28 2012 5:11 AMPermanent Link

Roy Lambert

NLH Associates

Team Elevate Team Elevate


I would consider that bad news. Whilst I've had many a battle with security settings they exist for a reason and we shouldn't look for ways to circumvent them.

Roy Lambert
Thu, Jun 28 2012 6:25 AMPermanent Link

Heiko Knuettel


It could be your own security settings that you are trying to "circumvent". Just imagine you don't want users to read/write from/to a server folder with the windows explorer, but only your through your application. Basically the same with the database files on the server, you hide them from direct access too.
Thu, Jun 28 2012 8:45 AMPermanent Link


Team Elevate Team Elevate


The easiest way i think of this working would be to just create a local
store pointing to C:\LocalDocuments and then you can just copy files
between stores using normal edb commands (so either from your app or
helper utility). Creating/deleting a store could be done on demand just
for the duration of the file copy.


On 6/28/2012 4:21 AM, Heiko Knuettel wrote:
> It would be very nice if I could copy files from e.g "C:\LocalDocuments" to the store "ServerDocuments" and backwards, in cases when the users have no read/write permission for the folder on the server with the store "ServerDocuments".

Thu, Jun 28 2012 1:24 PMPermanent Link

Heiko Knuettel


Ummm...when I am connected to a remote server and create a "local" store, it is created on the server machine.
Thu, Jun 28 2012 3:17 PMPermanent Link


Team Elevate Team Elevate

Yes, you would need to run a local edb engine session for the local
store (C:\LocalDocuments) and then in there create a remote store for
the store on the actual edb remote server.

You can run both local and remote sessions in the same app or depending
on your file copy requirements a small utility app might work as well.


On 6/28/2012 1:24 PM, Heiko Knuettel wrote:
> Raul,
> Ummm...when I am connected to a remote server and create a "local" store, it is created on the server machine.

Thu, Jun 28 2012 3:37 PMPermanent Link

Heiko Knuettel


Sounds interesting...I'll try that, thanks!
Tue, Jul 3 2012 8:20 AMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< It would be very nice if I could copy files from e.g "C:\LocalDocuments"
to the store "ServerDocuments" and backwards, in cases when the users have
no read/write permission for the folder on the server with the store
"ServerDocuments". >>

See these methods:




To modify a store file on the local machine, just execute the methods above.
You can use the CalculateCRC32ForStream method to determine if a file has
changed or not since being copied to the client application.  The EDB
Manager has code (main.pas) that shows how this is done using ShellExecute:

function TStoreFileObject.Alter: Boolean;
  TempFileName: TEDBString;
  TempFileStream: TFileStream;
  TempCRC32: LongWord;
  TempStoreName: TEDBString;
  TempRetry: Boolean;
     with SessionObject.Session do
           TempFileStream:=TFileStream.Create(TempFileName,(fmCreate or
           TempFileStream:=TFileStream.Create(TempFileName,(fmOpenRead or
              if (CalculateCRC32ForStream(TempFileStream) <> TempCRC32)
                 if (MessageDlg('Would you like to propogate the changes
made to '+FName+' back to '+
                                'the source file in the '+ParentName+'
store ?',mtConfirmation,[mbYes,mbNo],0)=mrYes) then
                    while TempRetry do
                          on E: Exception do
                             if (MessageDlg('The following error occurred
while propogating the changes '+
                                            'made to '+FName+' back to the
source file in the '+TempStoreName+' store: '+CRLF+CRLF+
                                            'Would you like to save the
file to a different store until the problem can '+
                                            'be resolved
?',mtError,[mbYes,mbNo],0)=mrYes) then
                                   with SelectStoreDialog do
                                      if (ShowModal=mrOk) then
     MainForm.CancelExecution('Error opening');

The ShellOpenFile procedure (edbutilcomps.pas in the \utilcomps subdirectory
of the EDB-ADD download) looks like this:

procedure ShellOpenFile(ParentWindow: HWND; const FileName: TEDBString;
                       const DefaultDirectory: TEDBString);
  ExecuteInfo: TShellExecuteInfoW;
  ExecuteInfo: TShellExecuteInfoA;
  TempResult: Boolean;
  with ExecuteInfo do
  if TempResult then
     raise Exception.Create(SysErrorMessage(GetLastError));

If you have any other questions, please let me know.

Tim Young
Elevate Software
Wed, Jul 18 2012 7:35 AMPermanent Link

Heiko Knuettel


so it's already there...great! Thank you!