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Thread Library and Interface Folders
Mon, Mar 16 2020 7:05 AMPermanent Link

Richard Harding

Wise Nutrition Coaching


The library and interface folders are determined by the search paths (as is EWB2).

Instead of using search paths, would it make more sense to explicitly define the library and interface folders as part of the environment and project configurations?

Using search paths makes the association of the folders to a project somewhat indirect.

What do you think?

Mon, Mar 16 2020 1:55 PMPermanent Link

Matthew Jones

Richard Harding wrote:

> somewhat indirect

But that's part of the nice thing about the paths - I can put my project specific interface and library edits first, then my general interface and library, and then the master interfaces and library. The hierarchy is quite flexible.
Mon, Mar 16 2020 2:47 PMPermanent Link


Team Elevate Team Elevate

On 3/16/2020 7:05 AM, Richard Harding wrote:
> The library and interface folders are determined by the search paths (as is EWB2).
> Instead of using search paths, would it make more sense to explicitly define the library and interface folders as part of the environment and project configurations?

Would that not require EWB IDE to rebuild the component library every
time you open a project ?!

Mon, Mar 16 2020 3:47 PMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< The library and interface folders are determined by the search paths (as is EWB2).

Instead of using search paths, would it make more sense to explicitly define the library and interface folders as part of the environment and project configurations?

Using search paths makes the association of the folders to a project somewhat indirect. >>

Hmmm, I could go either way on this.  Internally, it's much easier to just deal with them all via the search paths.  For server applications that use imported native module code, there is an additional native module file type (.dll) that could be also "found" via the search paths, so you can see how doing specific search paths could start to accumulate in the project options.

Just to add one thing: the UI for the library search paths is going to be changing so that it's easier to see all of the paths in one shot.  I may do the same for the project search paths, but I'm not sure.

Tim Young
Elevate Software
Tue, Mar 17 2020 4:42 AMPermanent Link

Matthew Jones

Tim Young [Elevate Software] wrote:

>  UI for the library search paths is going to be changing

Be sure to keep and easy copy and paste for the whole thing. Sometimes it is easiest to just grab the paths from another project, or to copy them to an editor to search/replace.
Tue, Mar 17 2020 10:22 AMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< Be sure to keep and easy copy and paste for the whole thing. Sometimes it is easiest to just grab the paths from another project, or to copy them to an editor to search/replace. >>

Good point, thanks !

Tim Young
Elevate Software
Tue, Mar 17 2020 1:08 PMPermanent Link

Richard Harding

Wise Nutrition Coaching

I have added many icons to the TIconLibrary and have made changes to colors for several components.

Each time I install a new EWB application at the client site who has purchased a licence for EWB, I still have the issue each time which is, "oh dear, where have my icons gone". This is despite the fact that the search paths have been changed to point to the correct locations.

It takes a bit of effort for me and EWB to reach agreement on where the TIconLibrary file is located.

Tim wrote that the library search path interface is going to change which will be helpful.

Tue, Mar 17 2020 2:54 PMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< Each time I install a new EWB application at the client site who has purchased a licence for EWB, I still have the issue each time which is, "oh dear, where have my icons gone". This is despite the fact that the search paths have been changed to point to the correct locations.

It takes a bit of effort for me and EWB to reach agreement on where the TIconLibrary file is located. >>

If this indeed the case, then this is a bug, but I haven't seen any recent issues around this functionality.  If you could please send me the steps that you're taking to see this issue, I would appreciate it.

Tim Young
Elevate Software
Wed, Mar 18 2020 6:27 PMPermanent Link

Richard Harding

Wise Nutrition Coaching

<< Each time I install a new EWB application at the client site who has purchased a licence for EWB, I still have the issue each time which is, "oh dear, where have my icons gone". This is despite the fact that the search paths have been changed to point to the correct locations.

It takes a bit of effort for me and EWB to reach agreement on where the TIconLibrary file is located. >>

<<<If this indeed the case, then this is a bug, but I haven't seen any recent issues around this functionality.  If you could please send me the steps that you're taking to see this issue, I would appreciate it.>>>


I copy my source files to the client's PC and compile the source. Despite changing the search paths to the correct locations, I have trouble locating the icons which I have added to the TIconLibrary.wbi interface file.

What appears to be happening (but I am not sure) is that after I change the search paths to locate the interfaces folder, EWB has a habit of reverting it back to the interfaces folder in C:\Program Files (x86) folder or to an interfaces folder that was accessed previously on my machine. (The disk's names are different.)

Once I do have the correct interface folder specified, it is often necessary to reassign all or some of the icons to the Toolbar Buttons.

I am not sure if this makes any sense. I will arrange to spend sometime at the client's installation to try and understand what is really happening.
