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Thread EWB 3 Build 17 - Problem WIth Empty Caption Properties
Mon, Sep 21 2020 12:10 AMPermanent Link

Rob Frye

Any empty Caption property settings aren't being properly saved and loaded.  The value will revert to the text 'Caption' when a form is saved and reloaded.

(I suspect this is related to the change made so that any empty string property values are no longer being written to the WBF file.)

Mon, Sep 21 2020 5:30 AMPermanent Link

Matthew Jones

Rob Frye wrote:

> Any empty Caption property settings aren't being properly saved and loaded.

Delphi used to do this - we always just put a single space in the caption to keep it blank.
Thu, Sep 24 2020 10:15 PMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< Any empty Caption property settings aren't being properly saved and loaded.  The value will revert to the text 'Caption' when a form is saved and reloaded.

(I suspect this is related to the change made so that any empty string property values are no longer being written to the WBF file.) >>

Yep, that was it.  I fixed this by adding a bogus default clause for all Caption/Text properties that need to save blank captions or text.  That way we can still keep the space-saving efficiency of not saving other blank JSON properties in form files and control interfaces.

Thanks !

Tim Young
Elevate Software