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Thread File save and load, also TGrid/TDataset File Save and Load
Mon, Jan 23 2023 5:23 AMPermanent Link



File Read/Write Capabilities

I’ve added simple file reading and writing to the Nice toolkit.  You can easily save or read data files from your users computers right from EWB’s client environment.  Save HTML, Jpegs, PNGs, text, whatever you want, and read back whatever a user supplies..

TGrid/TDataset File Read/Write Capabilties
I’ve also made it trival to  do file input/ouput on a TGrid and its associated TDataset.  

This can be very handy – users can download a set of data, fix it in convenient spreadsheets, and re-upload the data.  

Or you can use it to mass import new data from users with Excel or other applications.

As always, see the samples at https://erickengelke.com/nice

The toolkit comes with a perpetual license and free lifetime updates.

NOTE: the examples do not all work in the EWB dev environment because it uses IE, and IE is not HTML5 compliant.  But it works in Chrome, Safari, Firefox, etc.
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