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Thread File upload with a simple click-dropzone (click, Drag&Drop, multi-select)
Sun, Aug 6 2017 8:27 PMPermanent Link

Allen Hunt

I'm getting this error but on line 29498 with EWB 2.06 Build 5.

Mon, Aug 7 2017 4:23 AMPermanent Link

Matthew Jones

aknapple wrote:

> but on line 29498

This is specific to your application. Run it in Chrome, use the F12 debugging to find the line, and see what the call stack is. Often you will find that it is quite simple and you are referencing a nil pointer or some such. If you can't work it out, post more details about where etc.


Matthew Jones
Tue, Aug 8 2017 4:33 PMPermanent Link


">Matthew Jones" wrote:

>This is specific to your application. Run it in Chrome, use the F12 debugging to find the line, and see what the call >stack is. Often you will find that it is quite simple and you are referencing a nil pointer or some such. If you can't >work it out, post more details about where etc.

I confirm that the error really happens on EWB 2.06B5 (clear install) and the demo just downloaded as zip from 1st post in this thread.

Best Regards

Sat, Oct 28 2017 9:32 AMPermanent Link

Allen Hunt

I'm using the FileUploadExample.zip from the original post just like A. Kyr but with EWB to 2.06 B10 now.

I don't know if this is something Tim needs to look at but I moved:

  pnlDropZone.ClientID := 'MyDropZone';
  UploadDropZone(pnlDropZone.ClientID,OnFileLoaded,OnFileLoadError,false); //last Param is for Multi-Select support!

from the OnCreate event to the OnShow event of the main form and this example is working.

Thank you for your feedback Matthew and A. Kyr!

Best Regards,
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