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Thread ThreeJS sample
Sat, Oct 8 2022 10:18 PMPermanent Link



Here's a simple ThreeJS sample

ThreeJS (demos at https://threejs.org/examples/#webgl_animation_keyframes) is a library for doing cool 3D animations and games.  I just touch the surface here (pun not intended)

It runs very fast if you have a GPU available to your browser.

There is more information on the web, eg. https://codepen.io/rachsmith/post/beginning-with-3d-webgl-pt-1-the-scene

EWB Programming Books and Component Library

Attachments: 3js.zip
Sun, Oct 9 2022 10:50 AMPermanent Link



erickengelke wrote:
> ThreeJS (demos at https://threejs.org/examples/#webgl_animation_keyframes) is a library for doing
> cool 3D animations and games.  I just touch the surface here (pun not intended)

More info:

ThreeJS is an easy interface to using the WebGL toolkit in most modern computer and mobile browsers, it grants access to the OpenGL library, which in turn, uses available resources such as CPU or GPU for rendering.

ThreeJS does not directly access the GPU, that's done by OpenGL after the data is marshalled in by WebGL.

EWB Programming Books and Component Library