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Thread SuperObject user needed
Tue, May 12 2015 12:11 PMPermanent Link

Doug B

FYI, the fastest and most comprehensive JSON parser I've ever found is part of the mORMot framework. (http://synopse.info/fossil/wiki?name=SQLite3+Framework).

You can get the latest nightly build here (http://synopse.info/fossil/wiki?name=Downloads) in the 'Trunk/Unstable version' section.  Don't worry about it being unstable, as this project has literally over a million unit tests.

Check out '10.1.1' in the documentation (http://synopse.info/files/html/Synopse%20mORMot%20Framework%20SAD%201.18.html), which covers JSON serialization.

Also check out '4.4. TDocVariant custom variant type', which is amazing.

This framework is extremely powerful, and I can't say enough good things about it.  It also has cross-platform support (Delphi nextgen compiler, FMX, FPC, etc.) for JSON serialization ( Cross-platform JSON) & more, such as a mustache engine, MongoDB integration, SpiderMonkey JS scripting engine, ORM capabilities, and many low-level utilities and functions you can use with your existing projects.  And it's all open source.

The blog has lots of great info too.

If you have any questions about how to use the JSON parser(s), I'd be happy to provide some examples.

I hope this is helpful.


Roy Lambert wrote:

Just for anyone interested - this is all I needed

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
Obj: ISuperObject;
itm:  ISuperObject;
Obj := SO(Memo1.lines.Text);
for itm in Obj['Search'] do showmessage(itm['Title'].AsString);

OK now I have to do something with it rather than just stick it on screen.

Roy Lambert
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