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Thread How to use a specific timezone for date time
Tue, Jan 24 2017 12:52 PMPermanent Link


Comca Systems, Inc

I have created a Web Service using EWB Module latest version I'm also using the EDB for the database.
I have a service were a customer can request a service date and the Module will add a day to today's date if it's after 12noon. The problem is that I host it on a server that is not on the same time zone so when I use the Date and Time in Delphi I get the local time of were the server is. The same goes for the EDB I save the time using CURRENT_TIME and date using CURRENT_DATE.
Is there anyway I can say give me the date (UTC-5).

Tue, Jan 24 2017 7:44 PMPermanent Link


Comca Systems, Inc

After digging around the most of the day I found that the best way to do this, is to save all my time and dates as UTC. I found that in EDB I just have to add the CURRENT_DATE(UTC) to get the UTC date and the same for time.

Then I use this in my module to convert the UTC to the current local time and date.

function UTCToLocalTime(UTCTime: TDateTime; TimeZone: Integer): TDateTime;
  UTCST: TSystemTime;
  LocalST: TSystemTime;
    TZI.Bias := -(60*60)*TimeZone;
    DateTimeToSystemTime(UTZTime, UTZST);
    Win32Check(SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime(@TZI, UTZST, LocalST));
    Result := SystemTimeToDateTime(LocalST);

Just in case someone else need it.
Wed, Jan 25 2017 4:36 AMPermanent Link

Matthew Jones

KimHJ wrote:

> to convert the UTC to the current local time and date.

Having just looked into this myself, XE2 introduced TTimeZone.Local.ToUniversalTime(Now); and similar functions. This may make some things tidier/easier.


Matthew Jones
Wed, Jan 25 2017 6:51 PMPermanent Link


Comca Systems, Inc

"Matthew Jones" wrote:

KimHJ wrote:

> to convert the UTC to the current local time and date.

>>Having just looked into this myself, XE2 introduced TTimeZone.Local.ToUniversalTime(Now); and similar >>functions. This may make some things tidier/easier.

I looked into that as well but I could not find a way to change the UTC to a specific timezone. 'Now' will still be the TimeZone of the server and that server could be in Australia and I may need EST or CST.

Thu, Jan 26 2017 4:23 AMPermanent Link

Matthew Jones

KimHJ wrote:

> I could not find a way to change the UTC to a specific timezone

I saw something about that in my searches, so it can be done.


Matthew Jones