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Thread Problem updating a dataset using EWB and EDB
Wed, Sep 13 2017 3:47 AMPermanent Link

Richard Mace

Hi All,

I am getting the following error when trying to update a dataset using EWB and EDB.

"Database response error (Cannot find the row in the RNDataset dataset, a primary/unique key is not defined in the underlying table)"

I can't seem to work out how to check if a primary key is on the field that I am searching for?

Any pointers appreciated.


Wed, Sep 13 2017 4:03 AMPermanent Link

Matthew Jones

Richard Mace wrote:

> I can't seem to work out how to check if a primary key is on the field that I am searching for?

I think you just have to have a primary key, not be searching on it. If you open the table in EDBManager, the constraints has "Primary Key" and shows the field if you click on it. It is in the Constraints tab of Alter table too.

Not sure how that fits into the specific problem though, sorry.


Matthew Jones
Wed, Sep 13 2017 2:45 PMPermanent Link

Richard Mace

"Matthew Jones" wrote:

<< I think you just have to have a primary key, not be searching on it. If you open the table in EDBManager, the constraints has "Primary Key" and shows the field if you click on it. It is in the Constraints tab of Alter table too.

Not sure how that fits into the specific problem though, sorry.>>

That sorted it!

Thanks Matthew, much appreciated.
