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Thread TReader parsing problem with nested arrays
Thu, Mar 22 2018 4:55 AMPermanent Link

Uli Becker


Not easy to read, sorry. Maybe something for Tim.

I am using TReader to parse JSON (persistent fields).
Attached some screenshots (better than posting unformatted text) to make clear what's my problem:


"state": I use MyReader.LoadObject and pull out what I need (I don't need the values from the array "XY"). No problem.


"capabilities": I don't need this at all (at the moment), but here TReader throws an exception (Clip3). Obviously the nested arrays "colorgamut" cause the problem.

Two questions:
1. How can I skip the whole object "capabilities"?
2. If I need the values from "colorgamut": how do I parse an array of arrays?

Thanks Uli  

Attachments: Clip1.png Clip2.png Clip3.png
Thu, Mar 22 2018 5:15 AMPermanent Link

Matthew Jones

First step, I'd create matching objects, and a simple project that has a fixed string. Then you can experiment a lot more easily. (Maybe you have already done this, worth posting for people to play with perhaps.)

You don't show any code, so hard to comment further. Do you have a function in your object like this:

function TMyObject.LoadProperty(AReader: TReader): Boolean;
   szPropertyName : String;
   Result := False;
   szPropertyName := AReader.GetPropertyName;
   if (szPropertyName <> '') then
       if SameText(szPropertyName, 'myarray') then
           Result := True;
           Result := inherited LoadProperty(AReader);

That's the basic way to be reading properties that are other objects and arrays. I found that it was handy to run through the code in the Chrome debugger too, as you can see what is happening, or add other debugging "printf"s.


Matthew Jones
Thu, Mar 22 2018 9:05 AMPermanent Link

Uli Becker


> First step, I'd create matching objects, and a simple project that has a fixed string. Then you can experiment a lot more easily. (Maybe you have already done this, worth posting for people to play with perhaps.)

Yes, I did then when writing the code for this app. Ran fine until the incoming JSON was changed from a simple array to an array of arrays like I showed.

> Do you have a function in your object like this:

Generally yes, sure. But in this case I don't need the values of the array, so I've no code for it.

In the "state" object there is also an array "xy", which I don't need (and don't parse). No problem for TReader. The question is how to deal with the "colorgamut" array (or how to skip it).

Thanks Uli  
Thu, Mar 22 2018 9:50 AMPermanent Link

Matthew Jones

Uli Becker wrote:

>  I don't need the values of the array, so I've no code for it.

I think you are going to have to write the code for it, skipping the objects until it gets back to where you started. I had code for the old parser to do this, and maybe there is code in the library that shows how to skip hierarchically. Recursion may follow! 8-)


Matthew Jones
Thu, Mar 22 2018 11:23 AMPermanent Link


Team Elevate Team Elevate

On 3/22/2018 4:55 AM, Uli Becker wrote:
> Two questions:
> 1. How can I skip the whole object "capabilities"?
> 2. If I need the values from "colorgamut": how do I parse an array of
> arrays?

Could you post a sample json ? (i did not see one)

I find this type of thing a lot easier to look at with a sample.

Thu, Mar 22 2018 1:49 PMPermanent Link

Uli Becker


> Could you post a sample json ? (i did not see one)
> I find this type of thing a lot easier to look at with a sample.

Sure, I posted screenshot of formatted json to make it more readable,
but here a part of the json I'm trying to parse:

"1": {
    "state": {
      "on": true,
      "bri": 142,
      "hue": 2905,
      "sat": 115,
      "effect": "none",
      "xy": [
      "ct": 432,
      "alert": "none",
      "colormode": "xy",
      "mode": "homeautomation",
      "reachable": true
    "swupdate": {
      "state": "noupdates",
      "lastinstall": "2017-12-22T15:59:36"
    "type": "Extended color light",
    "name": "Vitrine",
    "modelid": "LCT015",
    "manufacturername": "Philips",
    "productname": "Hue color lamp",
    "capabilities": {
      "certified": true,
      "control": {
        "mindimlevel": 1000,
        "maxlumen": 806,
        "colorgamuttype": "C",
        "colorgamut": [
        "ct": {
          "min": 153,
          "max": 500
      "streaming": {
        "renderer": true,
        "proxy": true
    "config": {
      "archetype": "sultanbulb",
      "function": "mixed",
      "direction": "omnidirectional"
    "uniqueid": "00:17:88:01:03:6f:9d:57-0b",
    "swversion": "1.29.0_r21169",
    "swconfigid": "3416C2DD",
    "productid": "Philips-LCT015-1-A19ECLv5"

Thanks Uli
Fri, Mar 23 2018 6:33 AMPermanent Link

Uli Becker

Meanwhile I found a solution (maybe not the best, but it works):

Since the "inner" array has no PropertyName, I set a variable to identify the array, then parse this array like this:

function TLight.LoadProperty(AReader: TReader): Boolean;
   TempName: String;
   Result := False;
   TempName := AReader.GetPropertyName;
   CurrentPropertyName := TempName;
   if SameText(TempName,'state') then
   end else if SameText(TempName,'Capabilities') then
   end else if SameText(TempName,'Control') then
   end else if SameText(TempName,'ColorGamut') then
      Result := True;
   end else if SameText(TempName,'ColorGamutInner') then
      Result := True;
   end else
      inherited LoadProperty(AReader);

function TLight.LoadArrayElement(AReader: TReader): Boolean;
   if SameText(CurrentPropertyName,'ColorGamut') then
      CurrentPropertyName := 'ColorGamutInner';
      AReader.ReadString; // no need to read the values, just to continue
      result := true;
   end else if SameText(CurrentPropertyName,'ColorGamutInner') then
      AReader.ReadString; // no need to read the values, just to continue
      result := true;
   end else
      result := inherited LoadArrayElement(AReader);

Thanks to all.

Sat, Mar 24 2018 6:29 AMPermanent Link

Walter Matte

Tactical Business Corporation

Uli Becker wrote:

<<Meanwhile I found a solution (maybe not the best, but it works):>>

I posted a JSON Parser unit in EWB components (with a test program with your sample JSON) - mine may not be the best parser - but it works.


Sat, Mar 24 2018 6:57 AMPermanent Link

Uli Becker

Hi Walter,

> I posted a JSON Parser unit in EWB components (with a test program with your sample JSON) - mine may not be the best parser - but it works.

Thanks a lot for that - much appreciated.
It works even with unformatted JSON, takes about 10 seconds though. Since incoming JSON is never formatted, that will be a problem. Have to look into the sources.

Great work anyway.

Sat, Mar 24 2018 8:24 AMPermanent Link

Walter Matte

Tactical Business Corporation


Formatted or unformated - does not matter is parses character by character.... size of json string parsed will therefore affect speed.  ...  I didn't play with larger samples...  I will for fun.

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