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Thread Type Record and array of Type record
Mon, Aug 27 2012 1:13 PMPermanent Link

Franck - Midi pyrénées - France

Esteves Ducilia



Is it possible to declare a type of Record and use it to create a array of this type.

  // Declare a customer record
  TCustomer = Record
    firstName : string[20];
    lastName  : string[20];
    address1  : string[100];
    address2  : string[100];
    address3  : string[100];
    city      : string[20];
    postCode  : string[8];

  customers : array of TCustomer;
Mon, Aug 27 2012 2:23 PMPermanent Link


Team Elevate Team Elevate

I don't believe there are records in EWB but you can just use a class

   TPersonRec = class
     //other fields

and then
     arrCustomers : array of TPersonRec;

and then you could do something like

 SetLength(arrCustomers ,10);
 arrCustomers [0] := TPersonRec.Create;
 arrCustomers [0].firstName := 'John';

You can use it like this which would be closest to record or add some
actual properties and functions to the class and hide the implementation
completely from outside code.


On 8/27/2012 1:13 PM, Franck wrote:
> Hello,
> Is it possible to declare a type of Record and use it to create a array of this type.
> type
>     // Declare a customer record
>     TCustomer = Record
>       firstName : string[20];
>       lastName  : string[20];
>       address1  : string[100];
>       address2  : string[100];
>       address3  : string[100];
>       city      : string[20];
>       postCode  : string[8];
>     end;
>   var
>     customers : array of TCustomer;
Mon, Aug 27 2012 2:31 PMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< Is it possible to declare a type of Record and use it to create a array
of this type. >>

No, you have to use a class instead, like this:

  // Declare a customer record
  TCustomer = class
    firstName : string[20];
    lastName  : string[20];
    address1  : string[100];
    address2  : string[100];
    address3  : string[100];
    city      : string[20];
    postCode  : string[8];
    // properties that read/write the variables go here

  customers : array of TCustomer;

You'll have to make sure to create/dispose of the objects properly also.
You should probably consider using the TObjectList class for this - it will
be the easiest way of dealing with such a list:


If you have any other questions, please let me know.

Tim Young
Elevate Software
Tue, Jun 17 2014 11:48 AMPermanent Link



Do you plan to add support of records in future version?

Yes, I know that we can use class, but use of records are much simplier. And our old code from Delphi uses records in many modules.

 TCustomer = Record
   firstName : string[20];
   lastName  : string[20];
Tue, Jun 17 2014 7:10 PMPermanent Link

Steve Gill


Hi Aleksid1,

<< Do you plan to add support of records in future version?  >>

I use records extensively in Delphi but use TObjectList in EWB.  If I'm not mistaken, I believe Tim said on a previous occasion that the reason it hasn't been added is because Javascript doesn't have a record type.

- Steve
Wed, Jun 18 2014 3:01 AMPermanent Link


Hi Steve,

Thanks for your reply!

I thought that it's possible to emulate records in Javascript.