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Thread Change Font Colour For List Items Of TButtonComboBox
Mon, May 28 2018 3:52 AMPermanent Link

Frederick Chin

When the list of items are displayed by the TButtonComboBox, they are displayed in grey against a white background. Is it possible to change the list item font colours to something else?

The grey colour, for me, is not pronounced enough and I would prefer that they have a darker font colour with controllable styles as well.

If another interface change is necessary, I would appreciate pointers on how to do it.


Mon, May 28 2018 5:05 AMPermanent Link

Uli Becker


> If another interface change is necessary, I would appreciate pointers on how to do it.

You'd have to modify TListItem.wbi.

Mon, May 28 2018 10:24 AMPermanent Link

Frederick Chin


You'd have to modify TListItem.wbi.

