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Thread Internet Explorer Hang when pressing Enter
Mon, Sep 3 2012 12:39 PMPermanent Link

Matthew Jones

I have an EWB app that is working really well, except that when I press Enter in
IE9.0.8112.16421 (latest, I think), it hangs the browser. This does not happen in

This is happening as I make a selection, then enter a text value, and then press
Enter. Enter shouldn't actually do anything as there is no code to respond to it,
which may be part of it(?).

The app is the one I sent regarding the grid so you could test it with that perhaps?
Or I can debug or something as advised. I doubt it is relevant, but this is now
using httpS with an "invalid" certificate.

/Matthew Jones/
Mon, Sep 3 2012 1:00 PMPermanent Link

Matthew Jones

Interesting debug on this. A workaround at least.

I added the following to see if I could trap it:

function TMainForm.MainFormKeyPress(Sender: TObject; Key: Char; ShiftKey, CtrlKey,
AltKey: Boolean): Boolean;
   Result := Key <> #13;
   if not Result then
       Label6.Caption := 'Enter pressed'
       Label6.Caption := 'Other pressed';

This allows it to work and not crash (KeyPreview must be on). Also, the OnKeyPress
can stop it getting through. It appears as though the default processing for Enter
on IE is causing this to be a problem.
However, I can use this to catch Enter, and do something useful as well as stopping
the processing, so it is good for me for the moment.

/Matthew Jones/
Mon, Sep 3 2012 1:52 PMPermanent Link

Uli Becker


this one was reported earlier (EWB - IDE freezes). It happens in IE,
when there is only one edit control in a container.

Mon, Sep 3 2012 1:53 PMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< I have an EWB app that is working really well, except that when I press
Enter in IE9.0.8112.16421 (latest, I think), it hangs the browser. This does
not happen in Chrome.  >>

Please send me the project along with the steps to reproduce and I'll take a


Tim Young
Elevate Software
Mon, Sep 3 2012 2:18 PMPermanent Link

Matthew Jones

Hmm, it is not in the IDE for me, but if the IDE is using IE control then it would.

/Matthew Jones/
Mon, Sep 3 2012 2:18 PMPermanent Link

Matthew Jones

> Please send me the project along with the steps to reproduce and
> I'll take a look.

Okay, I will put something together. A basic form doesn't reproduce it, so it must
be my code somehow.

/Matthew Jones/
Mon, Sep 3 2012 2:38 PMPermanent Link

Matthew Jones

Tim, I cannot reproduce it when I cut out my RemObjects calls, so I will not waste
your time on this for now. There must be something local about my system causing it,
and there is a workaround in any case. If it recurs, I will dig deeper and let you

/Matthew Jones/
Tue, Sep 4 2012 4:57 PMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< Tim, I cannot reproduce it when I cut out my RemObjects calls, so I will
not waste your time on this for now. There must be something local about my
system causing it, and there is a workaround in any case. If it recurs, I
will dig deeper and let you know. >>

No problem, let me know if you want me to look at anything.  I'm pretty good
at debugging this stuff... Wink


Tim Young
Elevate Software