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Thread Help Needed with Scroll issue
Thu, May 16 2019 9:20 PMPermanent Link



Mic Thurber wrote:

> No, I have never got this to work. I've tried setting the ScrollTop to 0 on the form coming up's OnShow event,
> on the Basic Panel of the form (just to try it), and also on the calling form, which was scrolled down a bit to get to
> the button that called up the form that needed to be scrolled back to the top.

OnShow may be presently called before the HTML is rendered, so it might have no effect since it occurs too early.

To test that theory, ... drop a Timer event into the form to take place 1000 ms later (1 second),
with the Timer code saying

 ScrollTop := 0;
 Timer1.Enabled := False;  // to disable the timer from going again

If that kludge works, you know it is a matter of timing.   

If you don't mind some advice:
1.  phones are more finicky than browser environments, so you have a more difficult project due to them.  And it seems every model of phone is slightly different in sizes and sometimes in features.

2. phones are best handled with responsive design rather than writing out sizes/widths with code

3. EWB does responsive design well, and those of us who use that feature love it, but it has a bit tougher learning curve than WYSIWYG layouts.

You may have already discovered some of that yourself.

Good luck,
EWB Programming Books and Component Library
Mon, May 20 2019 12:11 PMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<<OnShow may be presently called before the HTML is rendered, so it might have no effect since it occurs too early. >>

EWB generates all HTML from within the JS and performs its own absolute positioning, so it's impossible for what you describe to occur unless the browser is ignoring updates to the scrolling information and reporting incorrect information back to EWB.


If you want a solution to this issue, then an example project is still the way to go.  Anything that can be run in a standard EWB IDE installation will suffice.

Tim Young
Elevate Software
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