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Thu, Jul 16 2020 1:05 AMPermanent Link

Polywick Studio

Where can I set permissions in EWB?

Let's say for example I have 3 kinds of users, Administrator, User and Moderator.

How would I go about implementing permissions in EWB2
Thu, Jul 16 2020 12:54 PMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com

<< How would I go about implementing permissions in EWB2 >>

EWB 2 does not provide any server-side user/session management functionality.

EWB 3 provides all of the above and more, so you should consider using EWB 3 if you want this type of functionality available as built-in features for your client applications.

Tim Young
Elevate Software