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Thread EWB3 web server fails to start and time error when starting ide
Sat, Sep 4 2021 2:10 AMPermanent Link



I have not been able to solve this problem so I did give up with EWB3 but now I would like to start development with  EWB3.

So EWB3 has never worked after install as expected. I have installed EWB3 both  to Windows 10 and Windows 2019 server and I do get exactly same errors in both machines.

Please see the attached gif. The gif is from Windows 10 machine

Attachments: ewb3-timerror2.gif
Sat, Sep 4 2021 10:30 AMPermanent Link

Walter Matte

Tactical Business Corporation

It must your your app that is causing this.  Have you tried to start a new project with nothing more than a button.  

Do you get the same error?

I think you must have a date field in a dataset or a date control causingthis - it is a date/time error.

Tue, Sep 7 2021 7:01 AMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< I have not been able to solve this problem so I did give up with EWB3 but now I would like to start development with  EWB3.

So EWB3 has never worked after install as expected. I have installed EWB3 both  to Windows 10 and Windows 2019 server and I do get exactly same errors in both machines.  >>

What happens if you shut down the IDE, delete this entire folder:

C:\Users\<UserAccount>\AppData\Local\Elevate Software\Elevate Web Builder 3

and then restart the IDE ?  Same issue ?

Tim Young
Elevate Software
Tue, Sep 7 2021 9:08 AMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


BTW, if the EWB 3 user settings wipe doesn't fix the issue, then please email me and I'll send you a special build of the IDE in order to track this down.

Tim Young
Elevate Software
Mon, Nov 15 2021 6:22 PMPermanent Link

Tom Urlep

Kenneth wrote:

I have not been able to solve this problem so I did give up with EWB3 but now I would like to start development with  EWB3.

So EWB3 has never worked after install as expected. I have installed EWB3 both  to Windows 10 and Windows 2019 server and I do get exactly same errors in both machines.

Please see the attached gif. The gif is from Windows 10 machine

I had same issue. The problem was in localhost certificate. After fresh instalation I used localhost certificate from old instalation.

Then I deleted localhost certificate from Personal and Trusted certificate store, reinstal EWB3, run the ewbcert utility from the new instalation and internal server started as it should.

But I still cant't start EWB3 server on remote windows computer.
Mon, Nov 29 2021 6:23 AMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< I have not been able to solve this problem so I did give up with EWB3 but now I would like to start development with  EWB3. >>

Please email us directly in the future if you're seeing an issue like this - I try to monitor the forums as much as possible, but I've been busy trying to get the EWB 3 native components for Delphi completed and doing direct email support, so I haven't had a chance to get on here as much.

As for the issue, please check this directory:

C:\Users\<User>\AppData\Local\Elevate Software\Elevate Web Builder 3\server\content

Where <User> is your user account on Windows.  Are there any files in there, and if so, what are their timestamps ?

Tim Young
Elevate Software
Sat, Jan 15 2022 9:43 AMPermanent Link



This is never ending story but the result is always time error when installing EWB. So no success with EWB3.
This is a minor problem in current word but real showstopper here.

Check the attachment gif.

Attachments: EWB3-time-error.gif