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Thread Code39 barcode class, free to use
Wed, Aug 17 2022 12:55 PMPermanent Link

Ralf Mimoun

Hi all,

I just wrote a class to draw Code39 barcodes on a TCanvasElement. Maybe someone else finds it useful, too SmileNo need for special fonts or additional JavaScript files, just create on object, set some properties and call a method.


Attachments: Code39.7z
Wed, Aug 17 2022 12:57 PMPermanent Link

Ralf Mimoun

Ralf Mimoun wrote:

Hi all,

I just wrote a class to draw Code39 barcodes on a TCanvasElement. Maybe someone else finds it useful, too Smile

No need for special fonts or additional JavaScript files, just create on object, set some properties and call a method. You can generate "Full ASCII" codes (#0 to #127) and a checksum - all optional.
