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Thread Roadmap 1.01 to 1.03
Mon, Oct 8 2012 6:44 AMPermanent Link


gdb systems


I checked your roadmap, and i'd like some precisions about :
1- Do you have  some date scheduled  for the different release 1.01 to 1.03 ? is it planned for this year ?
2- what does it mean the following propose for Web Server ?
  -External, deployable HTTP server that supports dataset JSON handling and static content   
  -Pluggable, native-code modules for external HTTP server

3- Is there something  planned for managing Mobile phone , iphone or ipad ?
4- is it possible to create our own components ? or plug some existing libraries? or our own javascript ?

Thanks for your reply

Tue, Oct 9 2012 4:28 PMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< 1- Do you have  some date scheduled  for the different release 1.01 to
1.03 ? is it planned for this year ? >>

I'm starting on the 1.01 builds this evening, so they'll be out by Friday.

<<  2- what does it mean the following propose for Web Server ?
  -External, deployable HTTP server that supports dataset JSON handling and
static content
  -Pluggable, native-code modules for external HTTP server >>

1.01 includes an external web server (Windows-only, at least to start) that
automatically handles EWB dataset requests.  It includes the ability to
import dataset definitions directly from the EWB IDE, so you can define your
datasets as necessary using EWB, fire up the EWB web server on the same
machine, import the datasets, and then deploy the server along with its .ini
file that defines the datasets.  It will also eventually be capable of
importing datasets via web calls, so you'll be able to synch up the datasets
by simply hitting a button in the DataSet Manager in the IDE.

The pluggable, native-code modules are DLL library projects that you
write/compile in Delphi (via the repository) that work with the EWB web
server.  This feature will then give you a complete front-to-back web
development solution and will allow you to leverage a lot of existing Delphi
native code for the back-end reporting, etc.  For example, here's a sample
module project that simply spits out a string:

unit unit1;


uses SysUtils, Classes, DB, ewbhttpmodule;

 TTestWebModule = class(TEWBModule)
   procedure EWBModuleExecute(Request: TEWBServerRequest);
   { Private declarations }
   { Public declarations }

 TestWebModule: TTestWebModule;


{$R *.dfm}

procedure TTestWebModule.EWBModuleExecute(Request: TEWBServerRequest);
  Request.SendContent('<b>Test module successfully called</b>');


Most of the heavy-lifting is done automatically for you by EWB, such as
automatically parsing multi-part MIME content into its constituent parts.
The TEWBServerRequest component interface looks like this:

        property RequestHost: String read FRequestHost;
        property RequestMethod: TEWBRequestMethod read GetRequestMethod;
        property RequestMethodName: String read FRequestMethodName;
        property RequestURL: String read FRequestURL;
        property RequestLocalPath: String read FRequestLocalPath;
        property RequestLocalDocument: String read FRequestLocalDocument;
        property RequestSecure: Boolean read GetRequestSecure;
        property RequestUser: String read FRequestUser;
        property RequestPassword: String read FRequestPassword;
        property RequestIE: Boolean read GetRequestIE;
        property RequestFirefox: Boolean read GetRequestFirefox;
        property RequestOpera: Boolean read GetRequestOpera;
        property RequestChrome: Boolean read GetRequestChrome;
        property RequestURLParams: String read FRequestURLParams;
        property RequestParams: TStrings read FRequestParams;
        property RequestContentParams: TStrings read FRequestContentParams;
        property RequestMIMEParts: TEWBMIMEParts read FRequestMIMEParts;
        property RequestCookies: TStrings read FRequestCookies;
        property RequestVersion: String read FRequestVersion;
        property RequestHeaders: TStrings read FRequestHeaders;
        property RequestContent: String read FRequestContent;
        property RequestContentType: String read FRequestContentType;
        property RequestContentLength: Integer read FRequestContentLength;
        property ResponseHeaders: TStrings read FResponseHeaders;
        property ResponseCookies: TStrings read FResponseCookies;
        property ResponseSessionCookies: TStrings read
        procedure SendContent(const Content: String;
                              StatusCode: Integer=HTTP_OK;
                              const StatusMessage: String='');
        procedure SendCustomContent(const Content: String;
                                    const ContentType: String;
                                    const ContentDisposition: String);
        procedure SendCustomContent(const Content: AnsiString;
                                    const ContentType: String;
                                    const ContentDisposition: String);
        procedure SendRedirect(const NewLocationURL: String;
                               const Content: String='';
                               StatusCode: Integer=HTTP_FOUND;
                               const StatusMessage: String='Redirecting');
        procedure SendError(ErrorCode: Integer;
                            const ErrorMessage: String);

<< 3- Is there something  planned for managing Mobile phone , iphone or ipad
? >>

EWB supports mobile development now.  It needs a little work in the area of
touch support and I'll be adding an option soon to allow the use of native
controls instead of themed controls, but the rest works fine.

<< 4- is it possible to create our own components ? >>

Not at design-time, no.  But you can create new controls that inherit from
existing controls at runtime, and I hope to have 3rd-party component support
in the design-time environment by 1st quarter of next year.

<< or plug some existing libraries? or our own javascript ? >>

You can interface with external JS:


However, it is not advised to use things like ExtJS or jQuery since they
will seriously interfere with how the EWB framework works.

If you have any other questions, please let me know.

Tim Young
Elevate Software

Fri, Oct 12 2012 4:12 AMPermanent Link



eric wrote:

I checked your roadmap, and i'd like some precisions about :

Where can I find the roadmap?

Fri, Oct 12 2012 5:57 AMPermanent Link


On 12/10/12 19:12, Godfrey wrote:
> eric wrote:
> I checked your roadmap, and i'd like some precisions about :
> Where can I find the roadmap?
> Godfrey


Fri, Oct 12 2012 6:50 AMPermanent Link


Hi Godfrey,

At the bottom of te page: http://www.elevatesoft.com/support?category=ewb


"Godfrey" schreef in bericht

eric wrote:

I checked your roadmap, and i'd like some precisions about :

Where can I find the roadmap?
