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Thread TTimer interval
Mon, Sep 4 2023 11:17 AMPermanent Link

Michael Saunders

What Timer interval delay is recommended that waits for a query to complete before continuing with code that needs to know the result of the query  The query in question checks for the presence of a single unique item from  an EDB  table on a separate server machine .  The code is executed from within  a wi-fi intranet environment from client code on tablets  Just wondering about possible system delays her  In testing on my in house setup I find 100ms OK

THanks in advance
Mon, Sep 4 2023 12:05 PMPermanent Link


Team Elevate Team Elevate

Not sure what your code is doing but it's better to use a completion (and possibly error) event handler to know when the request is actually complete. This will be actual timings.

If you want a timer as a backup of last resort then it can be fairly large since you can cancel it on event callback. when that happens


Michael Saunders wrote:

What Timer interval delay is recommended that waits for a query to complete before continuing with code that needs to know the result of the query  The query in question checks for the presence of a single unique item from  an EDB  table on a separate server machine .  The code is executed from within  a wi-fi intranet environment from client code on tablets  Just wondering about possible system delays her  In testing on my in house setup I find 100ms OK

THanks in advance
Tue, Sep 5 2023 10:37 AMPermanent Link



Michael Saunders wrote:

> What Timer interval delay is recommended that waits for a query to complete
> before continuing with code that needs to know the result of the query  

If you have event completion routines, for both Succes and Failure, then you don't need a timer to be used.  Either the transaction will work, or under any other condition. (including time out) it will go to the failure routine.

I often use a single failure routine for all transactions, with something like:

TFormX.OnError( sender : TOBject );
  show message('URL failed: ' + TServerRequest( sender ).url );

where it gets the URL from the TServerRequest, so you don't need to write separate code for each one.

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