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Thread Cannot focus a disable or invisible window
Sat, Dec 17 2011 8:54 AMPermanent Link

Walter Matte

Tactical Business Corporation

If you are running an app in the IDE and exit EWB (top right X) you get the error window
"Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window."  (You are testing an app and you really want to exit the running app with the X - but accidently exit EWB with X.

If you do File - Exit - you are fine.

One suggestion - Can we please have a toggle for the Code/Form Editor in the Toolbar too!  (to the right of the Server +/-)

Attachments: CodeFormToggle.png
Mon, Dec 19 2011 7:10 AMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< If you are running an app in the IDE and exit EWB (top right X) you get
the error window "Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window."  (You are
testing an app and you really want to exit the running app with the X - but
accidently exit EWB with X. >>

Got it, thanks.

<< One suggestion - Can we please have a toggle for the Code/Form Editor in
the Toolbar too!  (to the right of the Server +/-) >>

I'll see what I can do.   Space in the toolbar is starting to be at a
premium, and I need to leave space for future components.

Tim Young
Elevate Software
Mon, Dec 19 2011 8:14 AMPermanent Link

Walter Matte

Tactical Business Corporation

<<<< One suggestion - Can we please have a toggle for the Code/Form Editor in
the Toolbar too!  (to the right of the Server +/-) >>>>

<<I'll see what I can do.   Space in the toolbar is starting to be at a
premium, and I need to leave space for future components.>>

Save a Tool Bar Button - Instead of 2 Server Icons - make them a Toggle Too - On/Offf!

I understand (I'm in real estate business too - only so much property on a form.) - Its amazing how quickly new habits are formed - F12 is my friend.

Mon, Dec 19 2011 9:15 AMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< Save a Tool Bar Button - Instead of 2 Server Icons - make them a Toggle
Too - On/Offf! >>

Duh ! Good idea. I never claimed to be a great UI guy, as evidenced by this.

Tim Young
Elevate Software