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Thread Project files
Thu, Dec 22 2011 6:46 AMPermanent Link

Robert Devine

Hi Tim

If I view files that are not part of an open project (e.g. WebDOM) and
then close the project, the non-project files are re-opened later. It
would be better to only re-open the files actually in the project, or
maybe have it as an option.

Cheers, Bob
Thu, Dec 22 2011 12:08 PMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< If I view files that are not part of an open project (e.g. WebDOM) and
then close the project, the non-project files are re-opened later. It would
be better to only re-open the files actually in the project, or maybe have
it as an option. >>

No problem, I'll add it as an enhancement.

Tim Young
Elevate Software