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Thread dataset params - what's wrong
Sun, Jun 16 2013 6:56 PMPermanent Link

Stephen Barker


I'm struggling with this seemingly simple query to check the login and password for a user:

procedure TfrmLogin.btnLoginClick(Sender: TObject);
 if qUser.RowCount = 0 then begin
   ShowMessage('This User Name was not found');
 if qUser.Columns['Password'].asString <> edPassword.Text then begin
   ShowMessage('The Password is incorrect');
 ModalResult := mrOK;

The RowCount is always zero. Yet when I try the same thing in the DataSet Manager Preview tab it works fine.
select * from user where Login={Login='steve'}

How do I go about debugging this?
Sun, Jun 16 2013 7:13 PMPermanent Link

Stephen Barker

Further info:

These events:

function TfrmLogin.qUserBeforeLoad(Sender: TObject): Boolean;
 ShowMessage('before load: '+qUser.Params.Text);
 result := true;

procedure TfrmLogin.qUserAfterLoad(Sender: TObject);
 ShowMessage('after load: '+IntToStr(qUser.RowCount));

procedure TfrmLogin.qUserAfterOpen(Sender: TObject);
 ShowMessage('after open: '+IntToStr(qUser.RowCount));

They are displayed (in the wrong order) as follows:

after load: 1
before load: Login='steve'
after open: 0

So what can be happening to the dataset between loading and opening? And why do these events fire in this order?

Mon, Jun 17 2013 2:45 AMPermanent Link

Matthew Jones

I wonder if you are giving time for the query to finish? Most of EWB is
async, so you have to wait for the query to happen before you can test the
result. This is normally done on a completion callback,

Matthew Jones
Mon, Jun 17 2013 4:25 AMPermanent Link

Uli Becker


> The RowCount is always zero. Yet when I try the same thing in the DataSet Manager Preview tab it works fine.
> select * from user where Login={Login='steve'}

As Matthew indicated most things are asynchronous and you have to use
the AfterLoad event to get the number of rows of your dataset.


Mon, Jun 17 2013 6:24 AMPermanent Link

Stephen Barker

Thanks guys. You are correct.

I've moved the rest of that code into the after load event - all good now.
Tue, Jun 18 2013 1:24 PMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< They are displayed (in the wrong order) as follows: >>

I see you already know that you need to use AfterLoad.  As for the display
order - the ShowMessage calls are "stacked" due to them also being
asynchronous, meaning that you're going to see the last call first, followed
by the second-to-last, etc.

Tim Young
Elevate Software