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Thread New Build Up (Jan 18)
Wed, Jan 18 2012 4:44 PMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com

Just a quick note to let everyone know that there's a new build up from this
morning.  The following changes are present:

1) The TGrid component is present, but not complete/tested fully, so don't
worry about relaying any bug reports yet.

2) The TPanel now looks/acts just like a form with borders, captions,
shadows, etc.  This is also the first step towards embeddable forms.

3) The collection editors for TDataSet columns and TGrid columns have been
re-done and are integrated with the Object Inspector now.  This is the first
step towards drag and drop of TDataSet columns on to the form designer.

4) The form designer now includes layout tools (Bring To Front/Align/Space),
and there are Environment Options configuration options for the form
designer grid.

5) The editor now supports undo on searches that reverse the search result
positions in the editor.

6) The basic version of the project manager is done.

7) You can now include external JavaScript code in a project, and EWB will
emit the proper loader lines in the loader HTML file.  However, you'll still
need to create the EWB Object Pascal source code that defines the external
interface to such code.

8) The framework paths are now implicit in the compiler, so you no longer
need to have those present in the search paths for a project.  In fact, most
projects will now have an empty search paths if the project files all reside
in the same directory as the base project .wbp file.

9) There's a bunch of little fixes to the framework dealing with
focus/visibility/tabbing issues.

I'm working on hard on finishing up the grid this week, and then the only
thing left to finish is the TDataSet editing and documentation.  So, things
are looking close to being done for an initial release.  Also, after the
grid/TDataSet editing is complete, the first order of business will be to
create a sample CDCollector application that will illustrate how to use the
data-aware controls to easily create a database application.  After the
initial release, there are 3 components that will be rolled out first -
tabbed notebook/page control, HTML container, and file upload button.

Thanks to everyone for their patience.  Things are way late, but the scope
of the initial release expanded greatly in Nov/Dec and it really screwed
with the original design a bit.  But, frankly, it's for the best - without a
grid or dataset component, the product would not be very useful.

Tim Young
Elevate Software
Wed, Jan 18 2012 7:12 PMPermanent Link

Steve Gill


Thanks for all your hard work Tim.  It's looking really good.  Can't wait for the final product.
Wed, Jan 18 2012 7:31 PMPermanent Link

Walter Matte

Tactical Business Corporation


Will there be a calendar control for date's - in V1?

It is coming together very well!

Mon, Jan 23 2012 8:42 PMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< Will there be a calendar control for date's - in V1? >>

Probably not, but a lot of the "smaller" controls will come online pretty
quickly - progress bar, tabbed notebook, etc.  The hardest controls, by far,
are the grid and form/panel, and everything else is a breeze in comparison.

Tim Young
Elevate Software
Tue, Jan 24 2012 2:30 PMPermanent Link

Fernando Dias

Team Elevate Team Elevate


> The hardest controls, by far, are the grid and form/panel, and everything else is a breeze in comparison. Wink

I fully understand that, since the day I decided not to buy a grid and brew my own.
I had no idea that I was creating a monster Smiley

Fernando Dias
[Team Elevate]
Wed, Jan 25 2012 4:16 AMPermanent Link

Roy Lambert

NLH Associates

Team Elevate Team Elevate


>I fully understand that, since the day I decided not to buy a grid and brew my own.
>I had no idea that I was creating a monster Smiley

I used Mike Skolniks open source DBGrid as a starter for my DBGrid and that was hard. Now I'm building my own stringgrid from DrawGrid to replace my TMS AdvStringGrid. Since this is a hobby for me it seemed a good idea Smiley

Roy Lambert
Wed, Jan 25 2012 11:09 AMPermanent Link

Fernando Dias

Team Elevate Team Elevate


I also use Mike's grid in some free applications, but not in application for my customers, because some of the key feature I needed didn't work well or consistently, so I decided to use my own.
The key features I was looking for were:
- a simple mechanism for changing the sorting order clicking on the titles;
-auto-resize of column width when the form size changes
- auto-resize of the height of the title bar
- a way to fix the stupid issue with vertical scrollbars with master-detail datasets
  (the scrollbar sometimes vanishes in the detail grid).
- prettier column titles, with gradient backgrounds
- check boxes for boolean columns
- rendering of jpeg and bmp images stored in blob column
- scroll with the mouse wheel with D7 (not needed anymore)
- optional Tab on Enter

Fernando Dias
[Team Elevate]
Wed, Jan 25 2012 1:11 PMPermanent Link

Roy Lambert

NLH Associates

Team Elevate Team Elevate


>I also use Mike's grid in some free applications, but not in application for my customers, because some of the key feature I needed didn't work well or consistently, so I decided to use my own.
>The key features I was looking for were:
>- a simple mechanism for changing the sorting order clicking on the titles;

That's in there

>-auto-resize of column width when the form size changes

Its in there - I know cos its my code Smiley

>- auto-resize of the height of the title bar

Dunno - I don't use it.

>- a way to fix the stupid issue with vertical scrollbars with master-detail datasets
> (the scrollbar sometimes vanishes in the detail grid).

Not noticed.

>- prettier column titles, with gradient backgrounds

Added that to mine

>- check boxes for boolean columns

That's been there for ages

>- rendering of jpeg and bmp images stored in blob column

Yup, that's in there

>- scroll with the mouse wheel with D7 (not needed anymore)

No idea

>- optional Tab on Enter

I think that's there.

Wed, Jan 25 2012 4:28 PMPermanent Link

Fernando Dias

Team Elevate Team Elevate


Yes, most of them are there but some had some bugs at that time or not working exactly as I wanted them.
Anyway, its an awesome set of components and for the price there is no competition Smiley
The latest Portuguese resources distributed with his the free components, as well as with SMImport and SMExport were translated by me. I also have Mike's SMImport and SMExport components that I use in many applications, and his Tips list is also very handy.

Fernando Dias
[Team Elevate]