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TimeStamp |
Wed, Sep 11 2013 10:27 AM | Permanent Link |
Ronald | On my server I have a DBISam table with a TimeStamp field. If I read the
table in my EWB appliation, I am having trouble with these fields? They give me another date in EWB. How should I handle this? Must I split the fields in my table in a Date field and a Time field? Ronald |
Wed, Sep 11 2013 1:08 PM | Permanent Link |
Tim Young [Elevate Software] Elevate Software, Inc. timyoung@elevatesoft.com | Ronald,
<< On my server I have a DBISam table with a TimeStamp field. If I read the table in my EWB appliation, I am having trouble with these fields? They give me another date in EWB. How should I handle this? Must I split the fields in my table in a Date field and a Time field? >> What "other date" are you seeing ? Please detail what the source data looks like, and what you're seeing in the EWB application. Thanks, Tim Young Elevate Software www.elevatesoft.com |
Wed, Sep 11 2013 2:44 PM | Permanent Link |
Ronald | Hi Tim,
The contents of the field "starttijd" (datatype: TimeStamp) in the DBISam table is: 13-2-2012 03:15:00. As shown in the Database System Utility. In EWB I open the table. A webbroker .exe sends EWB the contents in JSON of the table. The JSON that is sent is correct: { "rows": [ { "no": "1", "ruimteno": "2", "omschrijving": null, "starttijd": "13-2-2012 03:15:00", "eindtijd": "13-2-2012 04:45:00", "eigenaar": null, "verantwoordelijke": null }, { "no": "2", "ruimteno": "1", "omschrijving": null, "starttijd": "13-2-2012 03:30:00", "eindtijd": "13-2-2012 05:00:00", "eigenaar": null, "verantwoordelijke": null } ] } In the TDataSet the Dataset Column of the field "starttijd" is dtDateTime. Then I load the dataset. If I do ShowMessage(tbRP.Columns['starttijd'].AsString) I see:1-1970 0:00 What am I doing wrong? Greetings, Ronald "Tim Young [Elevate Software]" schreef in bericht news:39B11EF8-B54C-4884-8387-F358D9967872@news.elevatesoft.com... Ronald, << On my server I have a DBISam table with a TimeStamp field. If I read the table in my EWB appliation, I am having trouble with these fields? They give me another date in EWB. How should I handle this? Must I split the fields in my table in a Date field and a Time field? >> What "other date" are you seeing ? Please detail what the source data looks like, and what you're seeing in the EWB application. Thanks, Tim Young Elevate Software www.elevatesoft.com |
Wed, Sep 11 2013 2:49 PM | Permanent Link |
Raul Team Elevate | Ronald,
Actually JSON is not correct - EWB date/time types are integers indicating milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970 (http://www.elevatesoft.com/manual?action=viewtopic&id=ewb1&topic=Types). This JSON contains a string representation of the timestamp so you should either modify the back-end to convert it to milliseconds or modify the tdataset to store it as string (and then optionally convert it yourself). Raul On 9/11/2013 2:44 PM, Ronald wrote: > DBISam table is: 13-2-2012 03:15:00. As shown in the Database System > Utility. > > The JSON that is sent is correct: > > { "rows": [ > { "no": "1", "ruimteno": "2", "omschrijving": null, "starttijd": > "13-2-2012 03:15:00", "eindtijd": "13-2-2012 04:45:00", "eigenaar": > null, "verantwoordelijke": null }, > { "no": "2", "ruimteno": "1", "omschrijving": null, "starttijd": > "13-2-2012 03:30:00", "eindtijd": "13-2-2012 05:00:00", "eigenaar": > null, "verantwoordelijke": null } > ] } > > In the TDataSet the Dataset Column of the field "starttijd" is dtDateTime. > |
Wed, Sep 11 2013 2:54 PM | Permanent Link |
Walter Matte Tactical Business Corporation | Did you create your own JSON file?
Dates and Date time are to be in number of milliseconds since 1970/01/01 - see documentation and are sent UTC. http://www.elevatesoft.com/manual?action=viewtopic&id=ewb1&topic=JSON_Reference Walter |
Wed, Sep 11 2013 4:19 PM | Permanent Link |
Ronald | I see. Strange, I use this to build the JSON:
else if (Fields[I].DataType in [ftString,ftWideString,ftFixedChar,ftMemo,ftTime,ftDateTime]) then TempString:=TempString+'"'+EscapeSpecialChars(Fields[I].AsString)+'"'; If I recall it right, I copied this code from a sample by Tim. I must be mistaken, I presume. Thanks, I will try to correct the "BuildRows" function. "Walter Matte" schreef in bericht news:DC8C28F2-87A0-4994-86A4-C983DA8ABF8A@news.elevatesoft.com... Did you create your own JSON file? Dates and Date time are to be in number of milliseconds since 1970/01/01 - see documentation and are sent UTC. http://www.elevatesoft.com/manual?action=viewtopic&id=ewb1&topic=JSON_Reference Walter |
Wed, Sep 11 2013 4:33 PM | Permanent Link |
Ronald | Should I change the TimeStamp field into an Integer field in the DBISam
table? "Walter Matte" schreef in bericht news:DC8C28F2-87A0-4994-86A4-C983DA8ABF8A@news.elevatesoft.com... Did you create your own JSON file? Dates and Date time are to be in number of milliseconds since 1970/01/01 - see documentation and are sent UTC. http://www.elevatesoft.com/manual?action=viewtopic&id=ewb1&topic=JSON_Reference Walter |
Wed, Sep 11 2013 5:24 PM | Permanent Link |
Raul Team Elevate | On 9/11/2013 4:19 PM, Ronald wrote:
> I see. Strange, I use this to build the JSON: > > else if (Fields[I].DataType in > [ftString,ftWideString,ftFixedChar,ftMemo,ftTime,ftDateTime]) then > > TempString:=TempString+'"'+EscapeSpecialChars(Fields[I].AsString)+'"'; > > If I recall it right, I copied this code from a sample by Tim. I must be > mistaken, I presume. > Thanks, I will try to correct the "BuildRows" function. > It might have been though i think it was just Tim showing a sample on how to get data to display. This will work OK as long as your EWB dataset field is defined as string - if you just need it for display purposes everything should work ok. If you need an actual timestamp then you need to have your broker convert the value to integer. DateUtils has a DateTimeToUnix function that is likely easiest to use (and since this in int value the json no longer needs quotes around the actual value). Raul |
Wed, Sep 11 2013 9:17 PM | Permanent Link |
Walter Matte Tactical Business Corporation | Here is a routine I wrote - DatasetToJSON and below the DateTeim to Unix with UTC conversion....
function TdmDBISAM.DatasetToJSON(dsData: TDataSet): string; var i : integer; sl : TStringList; sRow, sField, sValue : string; begin dsData.First; if dsData.Eof then begin result := '{ "rows": [ ] }'; exit; end; sl := TStringList.Create; sl.Add('{ "rows": ['); sRow := ''; while not dsData.EOF do begin sRow := sRow + '{'; for i := 0 to dsData.FieldCount - 1 do begin sField := dsData.Fields[i].FieldName; sValue := dsData.Fields[i].AsString; if (dsData.Fields[i].IsNull) then begin sRow := sRow + Format('"%s": %s',[sField, 'Null']) end else if (dsData.Fields[i].DataType = ftDateTime) or (dsData.Fields[i].DataType = ftTime) or (dsData.Fields[i].DataType = ftDate) or (dsData.Fields[i].DataType = ftTimeStamp) then begin sValue := IntToStr(DateTimeToUnixTimeFAST(dsData.Fields[i].AsDateTime)); sRow := sRow + Format('"%s": %s',[sField, sValue]); end else if (dsData.Fields[i].DataType = ftString) or (dsData.Fields[i].DataType = ftMemo) then begin sRow := sRow + Format('"%s": "%s"',[sField, sValue]); end else begin sRow := sRow + Format('"%s": %s',[sField, sValue]); end; if (i <> (dsData.FieldCount - 1)) then sRow := sRow + ',' else sRow := sRow + '}'; end; sl.Add(sRow); sRow := ','; dsData.Next; end; sl.Add('] }'); // sl.SaveToFile('data' + '.json'); result := sl.Text; sl.Free; end; function LocalToUTC(locDT : TDateTime) : TDateTime; begin result := TTimeZone.Local.ToUniversalTime(locDT); end; function UTCToLocal(utcDT : TDateTime) : TDateTime; begin result := TTimeZone.Local.ToLocalTime(utcDT); end; function UNIXTimeToDateTimeFAST(UnixTime: Int64): TDateTime; const MsecPerDay : int64 = 86400000; DayDiff : int64 = 25569; var DT : TDateTime; begin DT := (UnixTime / MsecPerDay) + DayDiff; result := UTCToLocal(DT); end; function DateTimeToUNIXTimeFAST(DelphiTime : TDateTime): Int64; const MsecPerDay : int64 = 86400000; DayDiff : int64 = 25569; var DT : TDateTime; X : extended; begin DT := LocalToUTC(DelphiTime); x := (DT - DayDiff) * MsecPerDay; result := round(X); end; Walter |
Thu, Sep 12 2013 3:24 AM | Permanent Link |
Ronald | Walter and Raul,
Thanks a lot for your answers. I understand it much better now.I will replace my function with the code below and test it with my application. Greetings, Ronald "Walter Matte" schreef in bericht news:6817FADD-FCCD-4FB0-BC03-17FA261BA16D@news.elevatesoft.com... Here is a routine I wrote - DatasetToJSON and below the DateTeim to Unix with UTC conversion.... function TdmDBISAM.DatasetToJSON(dsData: TDataSet): string; var i : integer; sl : TStringList; sRow, sField, sValue : string; begin dsData.First; if dsData.Eof then begin result := '{ "rows": [ ] }'; exit; end; sl := TStringList.Create; sl.Add('{ "rows": ['); sRow := ''; while not dsData.EOF do begin sRow := sRow + '{'; for i := 0 to dsData.FieldCount - 1 do begin sField := dsData.Fields[i].FieldName; sValue := dsData.Fields[i].AsString; if (dsData.Fields[i].IsNull) then begin sRow := sRow + Format('"%s": %s',[sField, 'Null']) end else if (dsData.Fields[i].DataType = ftDateTime) or (dsData.Fields[i].DataType = ftTime) or (dsData.Fields[i].DataType = ftDate) or (dsData.Fields[i].DataType = ftTimeStamp) then begin sValue := IntToStr(DateTimeToUnixTimeFAST(dsData.Fields[i].AsDateTime)); sRow := sRow + Format('"%s": %s',[sField, sValue]); end else if (dsData.Fields[i].DataType = ftString) or (dsData.Fields[i].DataType = ftMemo) then begin sRow := sRow + Format('"%s": "%s"',[sField, sValue]); end else begin sRow := sRow + Format('"%s": %s',[sField, sValue]); end; if (i <> (dsData.FieldCount - 1)) then sRow := sRow + ',' else sRow := sRow + '}'; end; sl.Add(sRow); sRow := ','; dsData.Next; end; sl.Add('] }'); // sl.SaveToFile('data' + '.json'); result := sl.Text; sl.Free; end; function LocalToUTC(locDT : TDateTime) : TDateTime; begin result := TTimeZone.Local.ToUniversalTime(locDT); end; function UTCToLocal(utcDT : TDateTime) : TDateTime; begin result := TTimeZone.Local.ToLocalTime(utcDT); end; function UNIXTimeToDateTimeFAST(UnixTime: Int64): TDateTime; const MsecPerDay : int64 = 86400000; DayDiff : int64 = 25569; var DT : TDateTime; begin DT := (UnixTime / MsecPerDay) + DayDiff; result := UTCToLocal(DT); end; function DateTimeToUNIXTimeFAST(DelphiTime : TDateTime): Int64; const MsecPerDay : int64 = 86400000; DayDiff : int64 = 25569; var DT : TDateTime; X : extended; begin DT := LocalToUTC(DelphiTime); x := (DT - DayDiff) * MsecPerDay; result := round(X); end; Walter |
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