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Thread HTML page created in another package
Fri, Jan 27 2012 7:28 AMPermanent Link

Godfrey Fletcher

Can EWB open a html page created in say Dreamweaver?  If so, could you add EWB controls to this page?
Fri, Jan 27 2012 9:34 AMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< Can EWB open a html page created in say Dreamweaver? >>

Not right now, but it will be able to soon.

<< If so, could you add EWB controls to this page? >>

No, but you will be able to host EWB applications within a parent HTML page
soon also.  To do so, you would need to use the Object tag:


and then use the version of EWB, once it's available, that can hook an
application desktop to a parent element.  I'll post more once this is
available.  EWB is specifically suited for doing such "applets", so I
definitely want to make this a priority.

Tim Young
Elevate Software
Fri, Jan 27 2012 2:52 PMPermanent Link

Robert Devine

>EWB is specifically suited for doing such "applets"

Sounds good - this is one of the areas I'd identified as a possible
ideal fit for EWB. There's a book published by Manning called Third
Party Javascript that covers this area. Sounds like a good pitch for
your marketing.

Cheers, Bob

On 27/01/2012 14:34, Tim Young [Elevate Software] wrote:
> Godfrey,
> << Can EWB open a html page created in say Dreamweaver? >>
> Not right now, but it will be able to soon.
> << If so, could you add EWB controls to this page? >>
> No, but you will be able to host EWB applications within a parent HTML
> page soon also. To do so, you would need to use the Object tag:
> http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_object.asp
> and then use the version of EWB, once it's available, that can hook an
> application desktop to a parent element. I'll post more once this is
> available. EWB is specifically suited for doing such "applets", so I
> definitely want to make this a priority.