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Open Row exclusively |
Tue, Sep 22 2015 6:24 AM | Permanent Link |
Pasquale Web Pos srl | how do I open a table row in a database mssql exclusively ?
my problem is that I have a table as follows : users : varchar(20) plafond : money any time a user can access this table and subtract money from record plafond . Obviously, each subtraction operation of the money must be made exclusively before it is possible to make another |
Tue, Sep 22 2015 11:36 AM | Permanent Link |
Tim Young [Elevate Software] Elevate Software, Inc. timyoung@elevatesoft.com | Pasquale,
<< how do I open a table row in a database mssql exclusively ? >> That is handled by MS SQL Server during any updates. What exactly is your concern here ? That the money balance will go below zero ? If so, then that is something to be enforced at the database level via MS SQL Server with a check constraint. Tim Young Elevate Software www.elevatesoft.com |
Tue, Sep 22 2015 11:54 AM | Permanent Link |
Pasquale Web Pos srl | My problem is that a user must be able to update money only when another user he has finished update the record money
Tim Young [Elevate Software] wrote: Pasquale, << how do I open a table row in a database mssql exclusively ? >> That is handled by MS SQL Server during any updates. What exactly is your concern here ? That the money balance will go below zero ? If so, then that is something to be enforced at the database level via MS SQL Server with a check constraint. Tim Young Elevate Software www.elevatesoft.com |
Tue, Sep 22 2015 12:28 PM | Permanent Link |
Pasquale Web Pos srl | This code write
procedure TFormGestionePlafond.myCommitError(Sender: TObject; const ErrorMsg: String); Begin Database.AfterCommit := nil; Database.OnCommitError := nil; PosPlafond.Cancel; Errore := True; MessageDlg(ErrorMsg,'Informazione',mtError,[mbOk],mbOk,nil,True); End; procedure TFormGestionePlafond.DetrazionePlafondClick(Sender: TObject); begin database.OnCommitError := myCommitError; Errore := False; PosPlafond.Params.Clear; PosPlafond.Params.Add('IDMerchant='+IDMerchant); DataBase.LoadRows(PosPlafond); end; procedure TFormGestionePlafond.PosPlafondAfterLoad(Sender: TObject); begin IF (PosPlafond.RowCount = 1) And (PosPlafond.columns['Stato'].AsString = 'Completato') Then Begin IF Not DataBase.InTransaction Then Begin DataBase.StartTransaction; Try PosPlafond.Update; PosPlafond.columns['Stato'].AsString := 'Prenotato'; PosPlafond.Save; IF DataBase.InTransaction Then Database.Commit Else MessageDlg('Errore nessuna TRANSAZIONE in corso!','Informazione',mtError,[mbOk],mbOk,nil,True); Except PosPlafond.Close; Database.Rollback; raise; //MessageDlg('Errore transazione su Prenotazione Plafond!','Informazione',mtError,[mbOk],mbOk,nil,True); End; End Else MessageDlg('Altra transazione in corso!','Informazione',mtError,[mbOk],mbOk,nil,True); End Else Begin EsitoTransazione := 'Plafond Bloccato'; MessageDlg('Plafond già prenotato in un altra transazione!','Informazione',mtError,[mbOk],mbOk,nil,True); Close; End; end; procedure TFormGestionePlafond.PosPlafondRowChanged(Sender: TObject; Column: TDataColumn); begin IF Not Errore Then Begin IF (column <> nil) Then IF column.AsString = 'Prenotato' Then Begin IF PosPlafond.columns['Stato'].AsString = 'Prenotato' Then Begin IF PosPlafond.columns['Plafond'].AsFloat - PrezzoMerchant >=0 Then Begin DataBase.StartTransaction; Try PosPlafond.Update; PosPlafond.columns['Plafond'].AsFloat := PosPlafond.columns['Plafond'].AsFloat - PrezzoMerchant; PosPlafond.columns['Stato'].AsString := 'Completato'; PosPlafond.Save; IF DataBase.InTransaction Then Database.Commit Else Begin MessageDlg('Errore nessuna TRANSAZIONE in corso!','Informazione',mtError,[mbOk],mbOk,nil,True); Exit; End; EsitoTransazione := 'Plafond Detratto'; Except Database.Rollback; raise; //MessageDlg('Errore transazione su aggiornamento Plafond!','Informazione',mtError,[mbOk],mbOk,nil,True); End; End Else Begin EsitoTransazione := 'Plafond Insufficiente'; MessageDlg('Plafond insufficiente!','Informazione',mtError,[mbOk],mbOk,nil,True); DataBase.StartTransaction; Try PosPlafond.Update; PosPlafond.columns['Stato'].AsString := 'Completato'; PosPlafond.Save; Database.Commit; Except Database.Rollback; raise; //MessageDlg('Errore su transazione Plafond insufficiente!','Informazione',mtError,[mbOk],mbOk,nil,True); End; End; Close; End; End; End Else MessageDlg('Errore su transazione Plafond !','Informazione',mtError,[mbOk],mbOk,nil,True); end; The problem is : If two users attempt to do simultaneously operation generates a commit error . |
Tue, Sep 22 2015 1:12 PM | Permanent Link |
Walter Matte Tactical Business Corporation | Pasquale wrote:
None of the database activity happens in the browsers. So the EWB code only runs in the browser. When you do the Database.Commit - the request gets sent back to the Server and the Server does the database work. So are you using the EWB Server or PHP as the backend to do the MSSQL work? That is where you need to do the MSSQL.StartTran - MSQL.EndTran effort that deals with the database. And are you sure you would want EXCLUSE access? so that the database is limited to one connection? The EWB code is magic, it manages all the data and sends a JSON package to the server with the request to Add, Edit or Delete from the database. So look at the server side to deal with you MSSQL needs. Walter |
Tue, Sep 22 2015 5:05 PM | Permanent Link |
Tim Young [Elevate Software] Elevate Software, Inc. timyoung@elevatesoft.com | Pasquale wrote:
<< My problem is that a user must be able to update money only when another user he has finished update the record money >> The short answer is: no, you can't do what you're asking in an EWB client application. The only way to handle this would be to write an EWB Web Server module that implements a custom request and handles this in MS SQL Server. And describing how you would so is beyond the scope of a support forum post. Tim Young Elevate Software www.elevatesoft.com |
Tue, Sep 22 2015 5:06 PM | Permanent Link |
Tim Young [Elevate Software] Elevate Software, Inc. timyoung@elevatesoft.com | Pasquale,
<< The problem is : If two users attempt to do simultaneously operation generates a commit error . >> What is the exact error message that you're seeing ? Tim Young Elevate Software www.elevatesoft.com |
Wed, Sep 23 2015 8:58 AM | Permanent Link |
Pasquale Web Pos srl | how do I catch and handle this error ?
This error I create it by doing two tasks simultaneously . I think the problem is this : when a user makes an update while the other still not done then the second is the inconsistent database and then goes wrong commit Attachments: error.png |
Wed, Sep 23 2015 10:20 AM | Permanent Link |
Roy Lambert NLH Associates Team Elevate | Pasquale
What you need to do is implement your own specialised locking. Add an extra column to the table (say InUse BOOLEAN) and test that before you allow anyone to start making changes. If its false then set to true and proceed, if true then give the user a message telling them to try again in a few minutes. As part of the posting money to the table reset the flag to false. Roy Lambert |
Wed, Sep 23 2015 11:31 AM | Permanent Link |
Pasquale Web Pos srl | if you look at the code written in previous posts you realize that I have already done this but the situation does not change in the sense that when two operations on the table are the same according to one of the two is in error committed and locks
Roy Lambert wrote: Pasquale What you need to do is implement your own specialised locking. Add an extra column to the table (say InUse BOOLEAN) and test that before you allow anyone to start making changes. If its false then set to true and proceed, if true then give the user a message telling them to try again in a few minutes. As part of the posting money to the table reset the flag to false. Roy Lambert |
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